Optimization of 3D Models for Fabrication (Henrik Zimmer)

By combining geometric considerations with modern optimization methods
and computing power, the research area of Architectural Geometry strives
to bridge the gap between creative architectural freeform designs and
their efficient realization. In this talk, a set of novel optimization
approaches for dealing with three different architecturally motivated
optimization tasks is presented.

First, for enabling efficient (e.g., glass) panelings of tessellated
freeforms, a planarization technique is introduced. The formulation is
based on plane intersections, yielding planar panels by construction.
Furthermore, the method’s generality is demonstrated by application to
different architecturally inspired optimization tasks.

Then, for a new type of support structures, called point-folded
structures, an anti-diversification technique is developed for reducing
the number of geometrically different panels. By a problem-adapted
parametrization and search strategy, the shape redundancy can be reduced
by over 90% for various freeform designs, enabling significant
reductions of fabrication costs in practice.

Finally, for the still largely unexplored, high potential area of
constrained tessellation techniques, i.e., tessellation algorithms
restricted to using only structural elements from a predefined set, a
novel approach based on a commercially available construction system
(Zometool) is presented.
Henrik Zimmer recently joined INRIA as a PostDoc in the TITANE team. 
Prior to that he worked for 5 years as a research associate with Leif
Kobbelt at RWTH Aachen University in Germany, where he also work on his
PhD thesis in the field of Architectural Geometry. 
His research interests include Geometry Processing in general and
Remeshing problems in particular.

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