Israel D Gebru received the ICLR’21 outstanding paper award!

Israel D Gebru, former PhD student in the Perception group (2014-2018), and his co-authors, Alexander Richard, Dejan Markovic, Steven Krenn, Gladstone Alexander Butler, Fernando Torre, and Yaser Sheikh, received the outstanding paper award at the International Conference on Learning Representation (ICLR’21) for their paper “Neural Synthesis of Binaural Speech from Mono Audio.

During his PhD, Israel investigated robust clustering techniques and dynamic Bayesian networks for audio-visual multiple-person localization, tracking and speech diarization.  Among others, he published two papers in the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence and received the best paper award at the IEEE Fifth Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA”17). Since 2019, Israel is a Research Scientist with Facebook Reality Labs (FRL), Pittsburgh, USA.

Israel’s Google scholar profile.

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