Team members

The ROAD-AI team is composed of people with different background from different teams and departments from Inria and CEREMA.

Permanent members

  • Pierre Alliez, Inria TITANE
  • Raphaël Antoine, CEREMA ENDSUM
  • Jacques Berthellemy, DTEC ITM
  • Edouard Berton, CEREMA DTEC ITM
  • Christophe Biernacki, Inria MODAL, Inria leader
  • Christelle Caillouet, Inria COATI
  • Marie-Aurélie Chanut, CEREMA GeoCoD
  • Pierre Charbonnier, CEREMA ENDSUM
  • Nathalie Charrier, CEREMA DTerSO
  • David Coudert, Inria COATI
  • Emmanuel Delaval, CEREMA DTerHdF
  • John Dumoulin, CEREMA DTer SO
  • Benhui Fan, CEREMA ENDSUM
  • Cyrille Fauchard, CEREMA ENDSUM
  • Florence Forbes, Inria STATIFY
  • Philippe Foucher, CEREMA ENDSUM
  • Gilles Fouvet, CEREM DTer SO
  • Muriel Gasc, CEREMA GeoCoD
  • David Guilbert, CEREMA ENDSUM
  • Hervé Guiraud CEREMA DTEC ITM
  • Alain Hebting, CEREMA DTer Est
  • Christophe Heinkele, CEREMA ENDSUM
  • Amaury Herrera, CEREMA DTer Med
  • Florent Lafarge, Inria TITANE
  • Ezio Malis, Inria ACENTAURI
  • Pierre Marchand, CEREMA DTEC ITM, CEREMA leader
  • Philippe Martinet, Inria ACENTAURI
  • Nathalie Mitton, Inria FUN, Inria leader
  •  André Orcesi, CEREMA DTEC ITM, CEREMA leader
  • Cristian Preda, Inria MODAL
  • Vincent Vandewalle, Inria MODAL

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