Category: Seminars Polyhedral Optimization at Runtime, by Manuel Selva.

Polyhedral Optimization at Runtime, by Manuel Selva.

March 29, 2018

The polyhedral model has proven to be very useful to optimize and parallelize a particular class of compute intensive application kernels. A polyhedral optimizer needs to have affine functions defining loop bounds, memory accesses and branching conditions. Unfortunately, this information is not always available at compile time. To broaden the scope of polyhedral optimization opportunities, runtime information can be considered. This talk will highlight the challenges of integrating polyhedral optimization in runtime systems:

- When and how to detect opportunities for polyhedral optimization?
- How to model the observed runtime behavior in a polyhedral fashion?
- How to deal at runtime with the complexity of polyhedral algorithm?

These challenges will be illustrated in the context of both the APOLLO framework targeting C and C++ applications and of the JavaScript engine from Apple.

Bâtiment IMAG (442)
Saint-Martin-d'Hères, 38400

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