Internal use: the pad where we took notes on the organization.
Long talks:
- Arnaud Legrand: Introduction to Bayesian sampling (sources)
- Bary Pradelski: Preferences, Utilities and Identity Economics
- Nicolas Gast: Bandits and online learning (sources)
- Vincent Danjean: Continuous integration
- Bruno Gaujal: Markov Decision Processs and Q-learning
- Guillaume Huard: Memory and cache issues
- Jonatha Anselmi: Scalable and efficient load balancing
- Jean-Marc Vincent: Enseignement de l’informatique: réformes en cours et à venir
2 minute madness:
- Olivier Bilenne
- Alexis Janon
- Pedro Bruel
- Vitalii Emelianov
- Benjamin Roussillon
- Stéphan Plassart
- Tom Cornebize
- Christian Heinrich: Org-mode cool unknown features