Category: Seminars Can random matrices change the future of machine learning? by Romain Couillet (Gipsa)

Can random matrices change the future of machine learning? by Romain Couillet (Gipsa)

January 23, 2020

Romain COUILLET (professor at CentraleSupélec, University ParisSaclay; IDEX GSTATS Chair & MIAI LargeDATA Chair, University Grenoble-Alpes)
Title: Can random matrices change the future of machine learning?
Abstract: Many standard machine learning algorithms and intuitions are known to misbehave, if not dramatically collapse, when operated on large dimensional data. In this talk, we will show that large dimensional statistics, and particularly random matrix theory, not only can elucidate this behavior but provides a new set of tools to understand and (sometimes drastically) improve machine learning algorithms. Besides, we will show that our various theoretical findings are provably applicable to very realistic and not-so-large dimensional data.

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