Category: Seminars A Class of Stochastic Multilayer Networks: Percolation, Exact and Asymptotic Results by Philippe Nain (inria, Lyon)

A Class of Stochastic Multilayer Networks: Percolation, Exact and Asymptotic Results by Philippe Nain (inria, Lyon)

March 22, 2018

In this talk, we will introduce a new class of stochastic multilayer networks. A stochastic multilayer network is the aggregation of M networks (one per layer) where each is a subgraph of a foundational network G. Each layer network is the result of probabilistically removing links and nodes from G. The resulting network includes any link that appears in at least K layers. This model, which is an instance of a non-standard site-bond percolation model, finds applications in wireless communication networks with multichannel radios, multiple social networks with overlapping memberships, transportation networks, and, more generally, in any scenario where a common set of nodes can be linked via co-existing means of connectivity. Percolation, exact and asymptotic results will be presented.

Bâtiment IMAG (442)
Saint-Martin-d'Hères, 38400

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