Scientific projects
- Stochastic subsampling for factorizing huge matrices
- Fast independent component analysis solver for real data
- Convolutional Dictionary Learning Model at scales
- Learning from heterogeneous data
- Fast clustering with the Recursive Nearest agglomeration algorithm
- Magneto-encelography source localization
- Untangling high dimensional statistical inference problems using clustering and ensembling
- Causal inference with mediation using machine learning in high-dimensional settings
- Feature grouping as a Stochastic Regularizer for High-Dimensional Structured Data
Partners and related efforts
- Paris-Saclay Center for Data Science – Phase 2: Parietal is the host of the data-scientists for the CDS
- Dataia: Parietal is funded by DataIA: MissingBigData project. Bertrand Thirion is the head of Dataia since January 2019.