The INRIA project-team OPALE is located in both the Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée Research Center near Nice and in the Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Research Center.
- analyze mathematically single or multi-disciplinary coupled systems of partial differential equations arising from physics or engineering in view of their optimization or control (geometrical optimization);
- construct and experiment efficient numerical approximation methods (coupling algorithms, model reduction) and optimization algorithms (gradient-based and/or evolutionary algorithms, game theory);
- develop software platforms for the distributed parallel computation of the related discrete systems;
- use mathematical tools to develop models for vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
- use mathematical tools of optimization and control to develop models in biology and medicine.
Research themes
- Numerical algorithms for multi-disciplinary optimization of PDE systems ;
- Geometrical optimization ;
- Software platforms for high-performance distributed and parallel computing ;
Application sectors :
- multi-disciplinary optimum shape design in aeronautics
- electromagnetic optimization of antenna systems;
- mechanical optimization of automobile steel elements.
National and industrial relations
- ANR grants (OMD and OMD2), contracts with ONERA, ARCELOR-MITTAL, France Telecom, Dassault-Aviation…
European projects
- EXCITING, MARS, Thematic Networks (AEROCHINA1 and 2, GRAIN), ERC Grants…