Invited Speakers
The following speakers have confirmed their participation to the workshop:
- Sebastien Blandin (IBM Research Collaboratory – Singapore): “A general phase transition model for traffic flow on networks” slides
- Carlos Canudas de Wit (GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble): “First steps toward a traffic control network”
- Christian Claudel (KAUST): “MILP-based estimation and control of first order conservation laws: applications to transportation engineering”
- Mauro Garavello (U. Milano Bicocca): “Various possibilities for solving Riemann problems at junctions” slides
- Ingenuin Gasser (U. Hamburg): “Dynamical phenomena induced by bottlenecks” slides
- Nikolas Geroliminis (EPFL): “Modeling and controlling traffic congestion and propagation in large-scale networks” slides
- Richard Gibbens (U. Cambridge): “An investigation of proportionally fair ramp metering” slides
- Simone Goettlich (U. Mannheim): “Traffic light control on road networks” slides
- Serge Hoogendoorn (TU Delft): “Effective Dynamic Speed Limit Control approaches”
- Jean-Patrick Lebacque (IFSTTAR): “Generic second order traffic flow models (GSOM)” slides
- Ludovic Leclercq (LICIT, ENTPE): “Moving bottlenecks within the three representation of traffic flow: an overview of numerical issues” slides
- Régis Monneau (CERMICS – ENPC): “A Hamilton-Jacobi approach to junction problems in traffic”
- Daniel Work (UI Urbana-Campaign): “Traffic monitoring with smartphones” slides
- Michael Zhang (UC Davis): “A fresh look at the role of the fundamental diagram in traffic flow” slides
Contributed Talks
- Chikashi Arita (CEA): “Queueing process with excluded-volume effect” slides
- Raul Borsche (U. Kaiserslautern): “Pedestrians crossing the streets” slides
- Maya Briani (IAC – CNR): “An easy-to-use numerical approach for simulating traffic flow on networks” slides
- Julien Cividini (U. Paris Sud): “BML model with open boundary conditions” slides
- Guillaume Costeseque (CERMICS – ENPC): “Road junction modelling using a scheme based on Hamilton-Jacobi equation” slides
- Emiliano Cristiani (IAC – CNR): “How can macroscopic models reveal self-organization in traffic flow?” slides
- Maria Laura Delle Monache (INRIA): “A PDE-ODE model for a junction with ramp buffer” slides
- Francesca Marcellini (U. Milano Bicocca): “Two-phase and micro-macro descriptions of traffic flow” slides
- Elena Rossi (U. Milano Bicocca): “On the micro-macro limit in traffic flow” slides video1 video2
- Andrea Tosin (IAC – CNR): “Kinetic ODEs modeling vehicular traffic in time and space” slides
Alexandre Bayen (UC Berkeley): “Welcome to the Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Traffic” slides
Abstracts can be downloaded here.