Category: Headlines

PhD and Postdoc seminar: “Threshold dynamics on multiplex networks” by Samuel Unicomb

Thursday, May 25th, 2018 at 4pm – IXXI Conference room M7 Samuel Unicomb will present his latest work on binary state dynamics on complex networks. This work was carried out in collaboration with Márton Karsai, Gerardo Iñiguez and János Kertész, and extends recent results by the same authors on stochastic processes on edge-heterogeneous networks. A …

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DL Journal Club: “Convolutional Neural Fabrics” digest by Sébastien Lerique

Friday, May 9th, 2018 at 2pm – IXXI Conference room M7 Sébastien Lerique will give a presentation of the paper “Convolutional Neural Fabrics”  published by Shreyas Saxena and Jakob Verbeek at NIPS 2016. This paper proposes a method to construct neural network architectures by training a fabric of possible architectures instead of relying on expert …

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Seminar by Mathieu Avanzi : Cartographier les régionalismes du français

Where: salle R174 du site Descartes de l’ENS When: le mardi 25 juillet à 9h30 Mathieu Avanzi, FNRS & Université catholique de Louvain Résumé : Le but de cet exposé est double. Dans un premier temps, je présenterai la méthodologie suivie pour recueillir les données utilisées pour mettre au point les différentes cartes qui illustrent …

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École d’été de cartographie et de visualisation

Date: 3 au 5 juillet 2017 – Enssib Où : ENSIB, Lyon Programme : Organisateur : Eric Guichard Constat Les méthodes et outils de visualisation ont depuis 15 ans pris un grand essor en physique et en informatique. Elles soulèvent néanmoins des interrogations de plusieurs types: fiabilité de la représentation, puisqu’il s’agit de projeter …

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(Français) L’appel à projets 2017 de la Fondation Blaise Pascal


(Français) première réunion du projet CO3i — Connaissances collectives et cognition individuelle : conceptions, croisements disciplinaires, données

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

Seminar by Federico Battiston: Structure and dynamics of multiplex networks

Federico Battiston from Queen Mary, University of London will talk about: Title: Structure and dynamics of multiplex networks Abstract: Many real-world complex systems consist of a set of elementary units connected by relationships of different kinds. All such systems are better described in terms of multiplex networks, where the links at each layer represent a …

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New research collaboration to enrich public debate around “fake news”

LYON, FRANCE. Today sees the launch of a new research collaboration, A Field Guide to Fake News at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, a gathering of thousands of journalists from across Europe and around the world.   The guide aims to enrich and stimulate public debate and responses to “fake news” online – by …

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Seminar by Dr. Gerardo Iñiguez: Modelling complex contagion with tie heterogeneities

Dr. Gerardo Iñiguez from Institute for Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems, National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is going to talk about: Modelling complex contagion with tie heterogeneities Social influence, the effect that the past behaviour of acquaintances has on our daily decisions, is arguably the main driving mechanism of many complex collective phenomena …

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Paper on Socioeconomic correlations and stratification in social-communication networks

Published in Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13 125 (2016) Abstract The uneven distribution of wealth and individual economic capacities are among the main forces, which shape modern societies and arguably bias the emerging social structures. However, the study of correlations between the social network and economic status of individuals is difficult due to …

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