Author's posts

Impact of weak labels for ambient sound analysis

Speaker: Nicolas Turpault Date and place: June 25, 2020 at 10:30 -VISIO-CONFERENCE Abstract: In the domain of ambient sound analysis, many applications are dealing with unlabeled or weakly labeled data as opposed to strongly labeled data. Weak labels indicate which sound events happened in an audio clip. Strong labels indicate which sound events happened in …

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Unsupervised Audio-visual Speech Enhancement based on Variational Autoencoders

Speaker: Mostafa Sadeghi Date and place: March 20, 2020 at 10:30 -VISIO-CONFERENCE Abstract: Speech enhancement, or separating a target speech from noise, has long been an important problem in signal processing and machine learning. Visual information associated with the target speaker, i.e., lips movements, is known to improve speech enhancement, especially when the recorded speech …

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Language and communication difficulties in children: issues and challenges

Speaker: Agnès Piquard Date and place: March 12, 2020 at 10:30 – C005 Abstract: Some language and communication difficulties such as dyslexia, developmental language disorder (DLD), deafness, can be encountered by children. Those multifaceted difficulties entail severe consequences, mostly in the school system. Because a lot of children cannot overcome their reading difficulties, their opportunities …

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Verbal Multi Word Expressions identification on spoken transcription

Speaker: Nicolas Zampieri Date and Room: January 16, 2020 at 10:30 – C005 Abstract: Recent initiatives such as the PARSEME shared task have allowed the rapid development of Multi Word Eexpressions (MWE) identification systems. Many of those are based on recent NLP advances, using neural sequence models that take continuous word representations as input. We …

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Use of Transfer Learning for Automatic Dietary Monitoring through Throat Microphone Recordings

Speaker: M. A. Tugtekin Turan Date: October 24, 2019 at 10:30 – B013 Abstract: Wearable devices and technologies in healthcare have been accelerating the development and integration of modern engineering approaches. Dietary monitoring is one challenging application among other healthcare services and typically performed over personal recordings. However, manual logging is highly biased and unreliable …

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DeepLearn Lecture Series II

This second episode of the DeepLearn lecture series will feature talks by Sandipana Dowerah on “Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decison Theory to Machine Learning and DeepNeural Networks” and by Adrien Dufraux on “Maths and Deep Learning”. Date and Room: October 10, 2019 at 10:30 – C005

DeepLearn Lecture Series I

This first instance of our lecture series from the DeepLearn 2019 summer school will feature Nicolas Furnon presenting on “Compressing Neural Networks” and Raphaël Duroselle presenting on “Representation Learning in Limited Data Settings”. Date and Room: September 26, 2019 at 10:30 – C005

Probabilistic modeling of the phase for audio source separation

Speaker: Paul Magron (Tampere University of Technology) Date and place: October 17, 2018. Salle A008. Abstract: Many audio source separation techniques act on a time-frequency representation of the data, such as the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), since it reveals the underlying structure of sounds. These methods usually discard the phase information and process spectrogram-like quantities …

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