Job offers

  • At MIND, you will find a unique mix of leading scientific research and technical expertise to leverage machine learning and statistical signal processing for brain sciences. Working at Parietal is a unique opportunity to develop your expertise.
  • MIND is part of Inria, the French computer science institute. This gives us access to collaborations with experts in high-performance computing, databases, machine learning etc.., support services with expert programmers, grid computing and massive storage infrastructures. On top of that, having worked at Inria is a great line on a CV.
  • MIND is affiliated with CEA/NeuroSpin, the lead brain-imaging center in France, and works in tight collaboration with world-class neuroscientists such as the members of Unicog, at the frontiers of cognitive science and neuroimaging.
  • MIND is committed to high-quality work, both in terms of publications and of open-source software. At MIND you can have a real impact by joining a team that produces methods and software to tackle difficult problems in understanding images of brain function.

Specific offers

Job offers for 2024

Postdoc position

A 3-year postdoc position is available to work on high resolution_functional MRI for humans at 11.7T (NeuroSpin, France). Main supervisor: Philippe Ciuciu, collaboration with Alexandre Vignaud from the METRIC team. CEA funding. 

Internships & PhD subjects

Most internships at MIND are intended to lead to PhD positions.

2024 Developer position:

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