Big science in small packages: Emerging science opportunities with solar sailing smallsats on fast solar system trajectories
Slava G. Turyshev (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech)
Jeudi 17 novembre, 14h, salle Coriolis (Galois).
Abstract. Two synergistic technologies have recently advanced to the point of enabling new, affordable possibilities for faster and more frequent access to the deep regions of our solar system: (i) interplanetary small satellites and (ii) solar sailing propulsion. Combining these two technologies could drastically reduce travel times within the solar system while delivering cutting-edge science. Solar sailing propulsion, combined with rideshare and start from Earth orbit, and the use of smallsat architecture components, is the key technology that may allow us to reach high solar system transit velocities at a dramatic reduction in mission costs and
lead time. With the currently available sail materials, components, and instruments we can fly practical missions with speeds of up to 7 AU/year – twice that of the current speed record holder – Voyager 1. With the sail materials that are already being developed, smallsat velocities up to 20-25 AU/year will be reachable in 5-7 years. Benefiting from this progress, the “Sundiver” concept is new and exciting; it offers breakthrough capabilities for which the science community has been waiting for decades. We discuss the Sundiver sailcraft, enabling technology, instruments and unique science opportunities offered by small sailcraft placed on fast interplanetary transit trajectories. We present some of the science opportunities that may be realized relying on Sundiver capabilities.