Séminaire McTAO : Lucas Brivadis (CNRS, CentraleSupélec) – 17 janvier 2024

Adaptive observer and control of spatiotemporal delayed neural fields

Lucas Brivadis (CNRS, CentraleSupélec)

Mercredi 17 janvier, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois).

Abstract. In this talk, we propose an adaptive observer to asymptotically estimate the synaptic distribution between neurons from the online measurment of part of the neuronal activity and a delayed neural field evolution model. The convergence of the observer is ensured under an infinite-dimensional persistency of excitation (PE) condition that we discuss. We show how it can be used to derive a feedback law ensuring asymptotic stabilization of the neural fields, even in the absence of PE. Under additional restrictions that we will discuss, we propose a modification of the feedback law to ensure simultaneously practical stabilization of the neural fields and asymptotic convergence of the observer.