Category: Events and Seminars

Latest events and seminars related to McTAO team.

Séminaire McTAO : Bernard Bonnard (IMB, Université de Dijon) – 23 septembre 2024

Problème Géométrique de Zermelo et Micromagnétisme Bernard Bonnard (IMB, Université de Dijon) Lundi 23 septembre, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. L’objectif de cet exposé est de présenter un ensemble de travaux communs avec Olivier Cots et Yannick Privat. Il concerne les développements de la théorie géométrique de navigation de Zermelo motivés par le contrôle par …

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Séminaire McTAO : Patrick Cassam-Chenaï (LJAD, Université de Nice) – 26 juin 2024

Taming the combinatorics of antisymmetrized product of geminals Patrick Cassam-Chenaï (LJAD, Université de Nice) Mercredi 26 juin, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. Quantum Chemistry is mainly concerned with solving the Schrödinger equation for the electrons of a molecule, that is to say, by solving the so-called “molecular electronic structure” problem. Getting inspiration from the Lewis …

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Séminaire McTAO : Emre Baspinar (Inria, MathNeuro) – 7 mai 2024

Modeling of orientation preference map construction Emre Baspinar (Inria, MathNeuro) Mardi 7 mai, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. In this talk, I will first present a geometric framework describing the functional architecture of the primary visual cortex (V1). This framework is based on an anisotropic, degenerate geometry known as sub-Riemannian geometry. Then, we will see …

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Séminaire McTAO : Michel de Lara (CERMICS, École des Ponts ParisTech) – 22 avril 2024

Hidden Convexity in the l0 Pseudonorm and in Sparse Optimization Michel de Lara (CERMICS, École des Ponts ParisTech) Lundi 22 avril, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. The so-called l0 pseudonorm counts the number of nonzero entries of a vector. As a function, it is piecewise constant. However, we show that the l0 pseudonorm displays hidden …

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Séminaire McTAO : Romain Veltz (Inria, Cronos) – 18 mars 2024

Some recent results on mean fields of networks of spiking neurons Romain Veltz (Inria, Cronos) Lundi 18 mars, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. In this talk, I will present recent results regarding the dynamics of networks of stochastic spiking neurons. This network is an elaboration of the one introduced in [De Masi et al. 2014] …

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Exposé A. Montoison (GERAD) – 13 mars 2024, salle Coriolis (Galois)

Enhancing nonlinear optimization through GPU computing Abstract. This presentation delves into the realm of GPU programming, with a specific focus on the utilization of two Julia packages: CUDA.jl and CUDSS.jl, designed to facilitate GPU computing within the Julia programming language ecosystem.The objective is to showcase the capabilities of these packages and demonstrate their significance in …

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Séminaire McTAO : Evelyne Hubert (Inria Côte d’Azur) – 7 février 2024, 11:00

Explicit semi-algebraic description of the orbit space of Weyl group actions Evelyne Hubert (Inria Côte d’Azur) 7 février 2024, 11:00 (salle Coriolis, bât. Galois) Abstract. The action of the Weyl group on the compact or algebraic torus arise in the representation theory of compact Lie groups or reductive groups. Its invariants are connected with the …

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Séminaire McTAO : Lucas Brivadis (CNRS, CentraleSupélec) – 17 janvier 2024

Adaptive observer and control of spatiotemporal delayed neural fields Lucas Brivadis (CNRS, CentraleSupélec) Mercredi 17 janvier, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. In this talk, we propose an adaptive observer to asymptotically estimate the synaptic distribution between neurons from the online measurment of part of the neuronal activity and a delayed neural field evolution model. The …

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Tribute to Ivan Kupka

A volume to appear early 2024.Publisher: AIMS.Contact the editors for details.

Séminaire McTAO : Frédéric Jean (ENSTA Paris) – 10 novembre 2023

Structure du contrôle optimal pour l’atterrissage d’un lanceur avec contraintes de contrôle et d’état Frédéric Jean (ENSTA Paris) Vendredi 10 novembre, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. Dans cet exposé, on étudie un problème de descente verticale pour un atterrissage planétaire, où on cherche à minimiser un coût final en tenant compte de contraintes de positions …

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Café’In A. Herasimenka – “Mettez les voiles vers l’espace” (26/10/2023)

Séminaire McTAO : Jingrui Niu (LJLL, Sorbonne Université) – 19 octobre 2023

Local controllability of nonlinear Schrödinger equations on tori Jingrui Niu (LJLL, Sorbonne Université) Jeudi 19 octobre, 11h00, salle Coriolis (Galois). Abstract. In this talk, I would like to introduce some recent results on exact controllability for quasi-linear Hamiltonian Schrödinger equations on tori of dimension d ≥ 2. The result holds true for sufficiently small initial …

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Améliorer la contrôlabilité des voiles solaires : Alesia Herasimenka lauréate du prix L’Oréal – UNESCO 2023

Communiqué Inria

(Mc)TAO calligraphy

We had the immense luck to meet with calligraph artist Yanagida Taizan in Tokyo during ICIAM 2023. He very kindly painted and sent us four original tao / 道 characters. Many thanks Yanagida-san! (Special thanks: Prof. Sorin Sabau from Tokay U. for Japanese translation 🙏🏽.)

control-toolbox at Julia and optimization days 2023 (Paris)

Solving optimal control problems with Julia