Hadi Salimi

Research Engineer

Inria Rennes Bretagne – Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu, 35042, Rennes
Office: D167
+33 (0) 2 99 84 73 31

Email: firstname.lastname@inria.fr

Research Interests

  • High Performance Computing
  • Cloud Computing & Virtualization Technology
  • Green Computing

Industrial Interests

  • Development of Large-Scale Parallel/Distributed Systems
  • Software Engineering & Software Project Management
  • Software Quality Assurance

Recent Highlights

  • November 2016: I attended at SC 2016 and presented Damaris project there.
  • June 2016: I attended at Ter@Tec 2016 event and presented Damaris there.
  • April 2016 – I am now a research engineer with the KerData team at INRIA Rennes.

Short bio

I am a research engineer within the KerData team at INRIA Rennes, working on Damaris project under the supervision of Prof. Gabriel Antoniu. From 2013 to 2016, I was a CTO at iSun Mobile Services Co. managing a development team working on large scale electronic payment systems. Before that and as a Ph.D. student, I was working with Prof. Mohsen Sharifi in the Distributed Systems Laboratory (DSL) at IUST on power-aware scheduling of virtual machines.

My research and industrial experience is focused around development of distributed systems. My current work focuses on development of a middleware for I/O and data management, namely Damaris, targeting large-scale, MPI-based HPC simulations.

I am also broadly interested in other research areas such as virtualization technologies, operating systems and parallel programming technologies and models.


  • Damaris: A middleware for I/O and data management targeting large-scale, MPI-based HPC simulations.


A list of my publications on Google Scholar can be found here.

Journal Papers

Conference Papers/Posters


  • H. Salimi, Ph.D thesis, Power-Aware Virtual Machine Scheduling in Support of Cloud Computing Environments (Proposal, Thesis)
  • H. Salimi, M.Sc. Thesis, Integrating Transaction and Replication Management Services in CORBA (Seminar +Thesis) 


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