Senior Research Scientist, Inria
Scientific leader of the KerData research team at the Inria Center at Rennes University and IRISA.
Contact details
Inria Rennes Bretagne – Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu, 35042, Rennes
Office: D173 (orange level)
Phone: +33 (0)2 99 84 72 44
Fax : +33 (0)2 99 84 71 71
Research Interests
My main current research interests are related to scalable data management for large scale distributed infrastructures including Exascale HPC systems, clouds, edge-based infrastructures or combinations of them as part of the Computing Continuum
Relevant topics:
Decentralized management of massive data on highly distributed infrastructures: HPC, cloud, edge
- HPC/Big Data/AI convergence: storage and processing architectures
Cloud data services and Big Data analytics
- Scalable I/O and in situ visualization and processing for Exascale HPC systems
Scalable transparent data storage and sharing
Scalable distributed storage systems
Recent Highlights
- International lab management: JLESC – Joint Inria- Illinois- ANL-BSC-JSC-RIKEN/AICS Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing: Executive Director for Inria since April 2024, formerly Vice Executive Director (2017-2024)
- PI of two National PEPR projects
- ETP4HPC White paper on the challenges of building a software/hardware ecosystem for the Edge-Cloud-HPC Continuum
- Exascale Computing: EuroHPC projects
- EuroHPC EUPEX – European Pilot for Exascale (2022-2025)
- The EUPEX consortium aims to design, build, and validate the first EU platform for HPC, covering end-to-end the spectrum of required technologies with European assets: from the architecture, processor, system software, development tools to the applications.
- EuroHPC ACROSS (2021-2024).
- Topic: HPC/Big Data/Artificial Intelligence Cross-Stack Platform Towards Exascale
- EuroHPC EUPEX – European Pilot for Exascale (2022-2025)
- Community service in Europe and in France: ETP4HPC, BDVA, TCI, Projet Exascale
- TransContinuum Initiative: Co-leader of the use-case analysis Working Group. BDVA-ETP4HPC Liaison Officer.
- ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda (SRA): Co-leader of the working group on Programming Environments and Co-editor of the SRA in 2020, 2022 and 2024.
- Steering Committee Chair: ESSA – International Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analytics (formerly HPS), held in conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS conference.
- Recent participations in Program Committees of reference international conferences in the HPC and Cloud Computing area: IEEE IPDPS (2024); ACM/IEEE SC (2021, 2022, 2023): Papers Committee; Member of the Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award Committee in 2021). IEEE Cluster (2021, 2023), Euro-Par 2020, IEEE/ACM CCGrid (2022), IEEE CLOUD (2023), HPC Asia (2022), HPDC (2024).
Awards obtained by co-advised PhD students
- Accessit to the BDA PhD Thesis Award for Daniel Rosendo in 2023. More…
- Best Student Paper Finalist at the Supercomputing Asia 2018 conference for Orçun Yildiz. More…
- Best Student Paper Finalist at the ACM/IEEE SC16 conference for the paper « Tyr: Blob Storage Meets Built-In Transactions » by Pierre Matri, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu, Jesús Montes, Maria Pérez. Main author: Pierre Matri, PhD student co-advised with Maria Pérez (442 submissions, 81 accepted papers, 7 finalists). More…
- Third Award at the ACM Graduate Student Research Competition for Nathanaël Cheriere. Competition organized with the ACM/EEE SC16 conference. More…
- Accessit to the 2015 Gilles Kahn Honorary PhD Thesis Award of the SIF and the Academy of Science (second prize) for Matthieu Dorier (2011–2014), for his work on I/O variability on extra-scale computing systems. Co-advised with Luc Bougé. More…
- Second Gilles Kahn Honorary PhD Thesis Award of SPECIF and the Academy of Science for Bogdan Nicolae (2007–2010), for his work on the BlobSeer blob-based storage system. Co-advised with Luc Bougé. More…
Community service
Management roles
- International lab management: JLESC – Joint Inria- Illinois- ANL-BSC-JSC-RIKEN/AICS Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing
- Executive Director for Inria since April 2024, formerly Vice Executive Director (2017-2024)
- JLESC Topic leader for Inria for data storage, I/O and in situ processing, coordinating JLESC collaboration activities in this area.
- Team management
- Head of the KerData Project-Team (INRIA-ENS Rennes-INSA Rennes).
- International Associate Team management
- UNIFY and UNIFY 2 Associate Team with Argonne National Lab (USA, 2019-2025),
- Data@Exascale Associate Team with Argonne National Lab and the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA, 2013-2018),
- DataCloud@work Associate Team with University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Romania (2010-2012).
- Research project management
- Coordinator of 13 projects: 2 National PEPR projects (Exa-Dost/PEPR NumPEx and STEEL (PEPR CLOUD), 4 bilateral grants industry (2 with Microsoft within the Inria-Microsoft Research Joint Research Centre, 1 with Total, 1 with Sun Microsystems), 2 collaborative ANR projects, 5 bilateral projects with international partners in USA, Japan, Romania.
- Partner PI (coordinator for Inria) in 5 other projects (2 European, 2 ANR national projects, 1 ANR-JST international project).
- Technology development project management
- Coordinator of 3 projects (ADT Blobseer, ADT Damaris, ADT Damaris 2 (2018–2021).
Organization of scientific events
- Program Chair, Vice Chair, Track Chair of major international conferences
- IEEE Cluster
- Program Chair in 2017, with Richard Vuduc from Georgia Tech, USA ,as a Co-Chair (Honolulu).
- Program Chair in 2014 with Kate Keahey from Argonne National Lab, USA, as a Co-Chair (Madrid).
- Track Chair for the Data, storage and Visualization Track in 2015 (Chicago).
- Track Chair for the Clouds and Distributed Systems Area for the 2019 edition.
- PC Vice-Chair for the Hybrid and Mobile Clouds Area: 2016 and 2017.
- Euro-Par
- Track Chair in 2011.
- IEEE Cluster
- EIT Digital Future Cloud Symposium: Program Co-Chair of the EIT Digital Future Cloud Symposium, Rennes, October 2015.
- Other chairing roles for international conferences
- 3PGCIC: Track Chair for the Distributed Algorithms Track in 2015.
- IEEE CloudCom: Track Chair for the Map-Reduce Track: 2011 and 2012.
- Publicity Chair for international conferences: IEEE/ACM CCGRID 2013, ACM HPDC 2012, Euro-Par 2007.
- Scientific workshops
- HPS 2019 – First International Workshop on High-Performance Storage, held in conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS 2019 conference (CORE A): Program Chair
- ScienceCloud – International workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing held every year in conjunction with the ACM HPDC conference (CORE A): General Co-Chair in 2012 (Delft), Program Chair in 2013 (New York);
- JLPC – Local Chair for the 7th workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing (JLPC), which later becameJLESC: the Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing, Rennes, 2012.
Participation to journal editorial boards
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing – JPDC – Elsevier (CORE A): Associate Editor (2019-2022)
- Future Generation Computer Systems (CORE A): Special Issue on Mobile, hybrid, and heterogeneous clouds for cyberinfrastructures (Guest Editor, 2018), Special Issue on Resource Management for Big Data Platforms (Guest Editor, 2018)
- Concurrency and Computation (CORE A): Practice and Experience: Special issue on the Cloud computing for data-driven science and engineering workshop (Guest Editor, 2016).
Best Papers and Best Posters Committees
- Member of the Best Poster Award and Student Research Competition Committee for IEEE/ACM SC18
- Member of the Best Paper Award Committee for IEEE Cluster 2015, 2016 and 2017
Program Committees of recent CORE A international conferences with physical meetings
ACM HPDC 2012-2018, IEEE IPDPS 2018, 2019, ACM/IEEE SC (2013, 2015, 2017, 2018: Papers Committee; 2014, 2018: Posters Committee).
Program Committees of recent international conferences without physical meetings
ICDE 2017 (CORE A+), IEEE Cluster 2008, 2016 (CORE A), IEEE/ACM CCGRID 2013 and 2015 (CORE A), Euro-Par 2010-2012, 2015 (CORE A), IEEE HPCC 2012 (CORE B), IEEE AINA 2011-2012 (CORE B). (Workshops are omitted.)
Short bio
Gabriel Antoniu is a Senior Research Scientist at Inria, Rennes, where he leads the KerData research team. His recent research interests include scalable storage, I/O and in situ visualization, data processing architectures favoring the convergence of HPC, Big Data analytics and AI. He has served as a PI for several international projects in these areas in partnership with Microsoft Research, IBM, ATOS/BULL, Argonne National Lab, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He served as Program Chair for the IEEE Cluster conference in 2014 and 2017 and regularly serves as a PC member of major conferences in the area of HPC, cloud computing and Big Data analytics (SC, HPDC, CCGRID, Cluster, Big Data, etc.). He has acted as advisor for 20 PhD theses and has co-authored over 150 international publications in the aforementioned areas.
A list of publications can be found on DBLP.
A comprehensive list of my publications can be found on HAL Open Archives Library:
- BlobSeer is a data management platform we are currently developing for sharing massive data at very large scales. It originally relies on advanced techniques for decentralized data management and versioning techniques to provide scalable data throughput under heavy data access concurrency.
- Damaris: Damaris is a middleware for multicore SMP nodes allowing them to efficiently handle data transfers for storage and visualization by dedicating one or a few cores to the application I/O or for in situ visualization. It has been developed within the framework of a collaboration with the Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing (JLESC, ex-JLPC). It was successfully evaluated with the CM1 tornado simulation, one of the Blue Waters target applications, on several supercomputers (Titan, Jaguar, Kraken), where it demonstrated excellent scalability.
- JuxMem: is a platform which illustrates the concept of Grid Data-Sharing Service, defined using a hybrid approach based on Distributed Shared Memory and Peer-to-Peer techniques.
Advised PhD students
Note: the % represents my contribution to advising. I have also served as a PhD director (directeur de thèse) – for all PhD students listed below, except for Tien Dat Phan.
Théo Jolivel (2024-…) co-advised (30%) with François Tessier (40%) and Philippe Deniel (30%). Subject: Modeling and Simulation of Exascale Storage Systems.
Arthur Jaquard (2024-…) co-advised (25%) with Laurent Colombet (25%), Silvina Caino Lores (25%) and Julien Bigot (25%). Subject: Modeling and Simulation of Exascale Storage Systems.
Cédric Prigent: Inria/DFKI ENGAGE project, INSA Rennes, 2021–2025. Co-advised (30%) with Alexandru Costan (40%) and Loïc Cudennec (30%). Subject: Efficient and secure federated learning across the computing continuum. We published 5 co-authored, peer-reviewed papers. Thesis to be defended in January 2025.
Julien Monniot (2021-2024) co-advised (50%) with François Tessier (50%). Subject: Modeling and Simulation of Exascale Storage Systems. We published 4 co-authored, peer-reviewed papers. Thesis to be defended in December 2024.
Thomas Bouvier (2021-2024) co-advised with Alexandru Costan (INSA Rennes). Topic: reproducible deployment and scheduling strategies for AI workloads on the Digital Continuum.
Daniel Rosendo (2019-2023) co-advised with Alexandru Costan (INSA Rennes) and Patrick Valduriez (Inria). Topic: enabling HPC-Big Data Convergence for Intelligent Extreme-Scale Analytics. Accessit to the BDA PhD Thesis Award.
Former PhD students
Nathanaël Cheriere: ENS Rennes, 2016–2019. Co-advised (50%) with Matthieu Dorier (50%). Subject: elastic storage systems.
Ovidiu Cristian Marcu: Inria/H2020 BigStorage project, INSA Rennes, 2015–2018. Co-advised (40%) with Alexandru Costan (30%), María Pérez (30%). Subject: Efficient data processing and streaming strategies for workflow-based Big Data processing.
Pierre Matri: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid/H2020 BigStorage project, 2015–2018. Co-advised (30%) with María Pérez (70%). Subject: storage for converged HPC-Big Data systems.
Mohamed Yacine Taleb: Inria/H2020 BigStorage project, ENS Rennes, 2015–2018. Co-advised (50%) with Toni Cortés (50%). Subject: energy-impact of data consistency management.
Tien Dat Phan: MESR Grant, ENS Rennes, 2014–. Co-advised (30%) with Luc Bougé (40%) and Shadi Ibrahim (30%). Subject: green Big Data processing in Clouds.
Orçun Yildiz: INRIA CORDI-S grant, ENS Rennes, 2014– . Co-advised (50%) with Shadi Ibrahim (50%). Subject: energy-efficient Big Data management in HPC systems.
Luis Eduardo Pineda Morales: Microsoft Research Inria Joint Centre, INSA Rennes, 2013–. Co-advised (50%) with Alexandru Costan (50%). Subject: data management for distributed cloud workflows.
Matthieu Dorier (2011–2014). Co-advised (70%) with Luc Bougé (30%). Subject: I/O Variability in Post-Petascale HPC Simulations. Accessit to the 2015 Gilles Kahn Honorary PhD Thesis Award of the SIF and the Academy of Science (second prize).
Radu Tudoran (2011–2014). Co-advised (70%) with Luc Bougé (30%). Subject: Big Data management across cloud datacenters.
Bunjamin Memishi (2011–2015). Co-advised (30%) with María Pérez (70%). Subject: reliable MapReduce processing.
Houssem-Eddine Chihoub (2010–2013). Co-advised (70%) with María Pérez (30%). Subject: data consistency in the cloud. Now a Postdoctoral Researcher at Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, France.
Viet-Trung Tran (2009–2012). Co-advised (70%) with Luc Bougé (30%). Subject: storage for HPC systems.
Alexandra Carpen-Amarie (2008 – 2011). Co-advised (70%) with Luc Bougé (30%). Subject: using the BlobSeer approach for self-adaptive cloud data management.
Diana Moise (2008 – 2011). Co-advised (70%) avec Luc Bougé (30%). Subject : using the BlobSeer approach for efficient MapReduce processing.
Bogdan Nicolae (2007 – 2010) – Second Gilles Kahn/SPECIF PhD Thesis Award in 2011. Co-advised (70%) with Luc Bougé (30%). Subject: the BlobSeer approach to large-scale data management for data-intensive applications.
Loïc Cudennec (2005 – 2009). Co-advised (70%) with Luc Bougé (30%). Subject: grid application deployment.
Sébastien Monnet (2003 – 2006). Co-advised (50%) avec Luc Bougé (50%). Sébastien was hired in 2007 as an Associate Professor (MdC) at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, a member the REGAL team (LIP6 – INRIA Rocquencourt).
Mathieu Jan (2003 – 2006). Co-advised (50%) with Luc Bougé (50%). Subject: grid application deployment.
Previous projects
International Projects
- The Data@Exascale Associate Team (2013-2018) with Argonne National Lab and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Role: Principal Investigator. This Associate Team was born in the framework of the Joint Inria-Illinois-ANL-BSC Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing.
- BigStorage (2015-2018) is an European Training Network (ETN) project. Area: Storage-based Convergence of HPC and Cloud infrastructures to handle Big Data. Role: local coordinator for Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique. Roles: Work Package leader (Data Science WP), Partner principal investigator (for Inria).
- Z-CloudFlow (2013-2016): geographically distributed workflows on Azure clouds. Role: Principal Investigator (co-PI: Patrick-Valduriez). A project of the Microsoft-Inria Joint Research Centre.
- A-Brain (2010-2013). A project dedicated to joint neuroimaging and genetics analysis on Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform. Role: Principal Investigator, with Bertrand Thirion (PARIETAL team, Inria). A project of the Microsoft-Inria Joint Research Centre.
- MapReduce: an ANR Project (2010-2014) with International partners on optimized MapReduce data processing on cloud platforms: Argonne National Lab (USA), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IBM France, the Joint Inria-ANL-UIUC-BSC Lab for Petascale Computing (ex-JLPC), the AVALON Inria team, IBCP and MEDIT. Role: Principal Investigator.
- Seeding a France-Chicago Collaboration in Exascale Storage for Computational Science : (2012) FACCTS joint project with Argonne National Lab(ANL). Role: project co-Principal Investigator, with Rob Ross (ANL).
- F3PC: ANR-JST project (2010-2014). Role: local coordinator for INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique.
- The SCALUS Marie Curie Initial Training Network, call FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008 (2009-2013). Role : coordinator for Inria (teams involved: KerData, Myriads). Other partners: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, University of Paderborn, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Durham University, FORTH, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, XLAB, CERN, NEC, Microsoft Research, Fujitsu.
- DataCloud@work (2010+2012): an Inria Associate Team with the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (PUB), Romania (Valentin Cristea). Role: Principal Investigator.
- Projects with Tsukuba University, Japan (Osamu Tatebe, Gfarm team):
- Bilateral PHC (ex-PAI) Sakura project (INRIA – AIST/University of Tsukuba, 2006-2007) on P2P-based data sharing. Role: Principal Investigator.
- NEGST (2006 – 2009): CNRS-JST project. Role: participant.
- Bilateral project with the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA (CNRS-INRIA-UIUC programme, 2006-2007). Role: Principal Investigator.
- GridRand: bilateral PHC Brancusi project with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2009-2010). Role: Principal Investigator.
- GridDataViz: bilateral project with “Politehnica” University of Bucharest (CNRS – Romanian Academy of Science, 2008-2009). Topic: visualization and remote control of the BlobSeer data management platform using the MonALISA monitoring framework. Role: Principal Investigator.
National Projects
The Grid Data-Sharing Service approach I have worked on between 2004 and 2008 has been at the center of the GDS project of the French ACI MD (2003 – 2006) and has been enhanced and validated within the LEGO and RESPIRE ANR projects (2006-2009).
GDS (2003 – 2006): ACI MD project. Role: Principal Investigator.
RESPIRE (2006 – 2008): ANR project. Role: local coordinator for INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique.
LEGO (2006 – 2009): ANR project. Role: local coordinator for INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique.
GdX (2003 – 2006): ACI-MD project. Role: local coordinator for INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique.
Technology Development Projects
- Damaris (2016-2018) was an ADT project funded by Inria (Action de Développement Technologique), whose goal is to transform Damaris into production-level software and to develop its user community. Role: Project Leader.
- BlobSeer ADT project (2013-2015) was an ADT project funded by Inria (Action de Développement Technologique), whose goal is to develop BlobSeer into production-level software. Role: Project Leader
Teaching (since 2009)
I am currently in charge of master-level modules at the University of Rennes 1, ENSAI, EIT Digital Master School (Rennes):
- ENSAI – Big Data magagement course of the Statistics and Data Science track – lectures and practical sessions (24h/year since 2013).
- Master Informatics Science of Rennes – BSI module, lectures on Big Data infrastructures (10h/year, since 2017).
- MIAGE Master of the University Rennes 1 – Cloud for Big Data module (lectures on Big Data and cloud computing, 14h/year, since 2017).
- Cloud and Networking Infrastructures Master Program, University of Rennes 1, IBD module, lectures on cloud computing and Big Data (10h/year since 2014).
Past Teaching activities
- University of Nantes, ALMA Master, Distributed Architectures module – AD (2009-2016), lectures on grid, P2P and cloud data management (8-10h/year) and few hours of supervised work (TD) and practical sessions (TP) per year.
- Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique, Electronique, Automatique, 5th year, full grid and cloud computing module (2009-2013), lectures (18h/year).
- ENSAI – co-responsible for two courses (Cloud Computing and for the Hadoop Technologies) for MSc in Statistics for Smart Data – lectures and practical sessions (15h/year 2015-2017).