Awards obtained by members of the KerData Team
Paper and Poster Awards
- Best Research Poster Finalist at the Supercomputing 2022 conference for Julien Monniot for his poster “Modeling Allocation of Heterogeneous Storage Resources on HPC Systems” (4 finalists out of ~100 submissions).
- Outstanding Paper Award: Special Track on AI for Social Impact at the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in 2020 (AAAI-20, an A*-level conference).
- Best Student Paper Finalist at the Supercomputing Asia 2018 conference for Orçun Yildiz. More…
- Best Student Paper Finalist at the ACM/IEEE SC16 conference for the paper « Tyr: Blob Storage Meets Built-In Transactions » by Pierre Matri, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu, Jesús Montes, Maria Pérez. Main author: Pierre Matri, PhD student co-advised with Maria Pérez (442 submissions, 81 accepted papers, 7 finalists).
- Third Award at the ACM Graduate Student Research Competition for Nathanaël Cheriere. Competition organized with the ACM/EEE SC16 conference.
PhD Thesis Awards
- Accessit to the 2023 PhD Thesis Prize of the BDA Association for Daniel Rosendo for his work on Methodologies for Reproducible Analysis of Workflows on the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum.
- Accessit to the 2015 Gilles Kahn Honorary PhD Thesis Award of the SIF and the Academy of Science (second prize) for Matthieu Dorier (2011–2014), for his work on I/O variability on extra-scale computing systems. Co-advised with Luc Bougé. More…
- Second Gilles Kahn Honorary PhD Thesis Award of SPECIF and the Academy of Science for Bogdan Nicolae (2007–2010), for his work on the BlobSeer blob-based storage system. Co-advised with Luc Bougé. More…