
KerData is a joint research team of Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique,  ENS Rennes and INSA Rennes and a team of the IRISA lab.

Leader: Gabriel Antoniu, Research Director at Inria

The KerData project-team is focusing on designing innovative architectures and systems for scalable data storage and processing across the Computing Continuum. We target three types of infrastructures: pre-Exascale high-performance supercomputers, cloud-based and edge-based infrastructures, according to the current needs and requirements of data-intensive applications.

The Computing Continuum (credit: Daniel Rosendo)

As new, complex applications have started to emerge, combining simulation, analytics and learning, they require hybrid execution infrastructures combining supercomputers, cloud-based and edge-based systems. Our most recent research aims to address data-related requirements (storage, processing) for such complex workflows. They are structured in three research axes:

  • Convergence of HPC and Big Data Infrastructures
  • Advanced Data Processing on the Edge-to-Cloud Digital Continuum
  • Scalable I/O, communication, in situ visualization and analysis on HPC systems at extreme scales

Our approach strongly relies on experimentation on the Grid’5000 platform, on top supercomputers and on reference cloud platforms.

We have multiple open Internships/PhD/Postdoc/Engineer positions. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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