Doctor Martim Joyce-Moniz

The 6th of October, 2016, Martim Joyce-Moniz succesfully defended his thesis titled Models and methods for Traffic Engineering problems with single-path routing. The jury was composed by: Bernard Fortz, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles Bernard Gendron, Professor, Université de Montreal Luís Gouveia, Professor, Universidade de Lisboa Martine Labbé, Professor, Université…

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Doctor Bayrem Tounsi

The 19th of December, 2016, Bayrem Tounsi succesfully defended his thesis titled Contributions à la chaîne logistique e-commerce : Intégration dans l’e-fulfillment et tarification de services de livraison. The jury was composed by: Director: Luce Brotcorne, Researcher, Inria Lille-Nord Europe Co-director: Yezekael Hayel, Associate Professor, Université d’Avignon Rapporteur: Yves Crama,…

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Doctor Sezin Afsar

The 7th of December, 2016, Sezin Afsar succesfully defended her thesis titled Revenue optimization and demand response models using bilevel programming in smart grid systems. The jury was composed by: Director: Luce Brotcorne, Researcher, Inria Lille-Nord Europe Co-director: Gilles Savard, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Montréal Rapporteur: Roberto Wolfler-Calvo, Professor, Université Paris…

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INOCS meeting day

The INOCS meeting day will be held in Brussels the 21st of December 2016. The program of the day is the following: 10.00 Welcome 10.20 Samuel Deleplanque – Maintenance on the railway: an offline re-scheduling problem 10.50 Maria-Isabel Restrepo – Integrated shift scheduling and load assignment for attended home delivery…

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OPTIMA Seminar: Daniele Vigo, Wednesday, November 30th 2016 – Visual Attractiveness in Routing Problems

Date: November, 30th, 11h00 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: Enhancing visual attractiveness or “beauty” in a routing plan has proven to be an effective way to facilitate practical implementation and positive collaboration among tactical and operational levels in the organization. This is the reason why many authors have considered, either…

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OPTIMA Seminar: Véronique François, Tuesday, November 03rd 2016 – Neighborhood search approaches for the multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows

Date: November, 3rd, 14h00 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: We introduce two large neighborhood search approaches for solving the multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows, where each vehicle can perform several routes to serve a set of customers. Besides considering a time window at the depot, the working time…

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GOM Seminar: Diego Ponce, Thursday, October 13th 2016 – The DOMP revisited: new formulations, properties and algorithms

Date: October, 13th, 12h00 Place: ULB Bruxelles Abstract: The Discrete Ordered Median Problem (DOMP) is a modelling tool that provides flexible representations of a large variety of problems, which include most of the classical discrete location problems. In this talk we present new formulations for the DOMP and a novel…

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OPTIMA Seminar: Stefano Nasini, Tuesday, October 11th 2016 – Pairwise influences in dynamic choice: theories, models and methods

Date: October, 11th, 15h00 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: Choices of different individuals over time exhibit pairwise associations in a wide range of economic contexts. Network models for the processes by which ideas and decisions propagate through social interaction have been studied in different streams of literature. However, when the…

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