OPTIMA Seminar: Miguel Anjos, Monday, October 10th 2016 – Smart Grids and Optimization: A Winning Combination

Date: October, 10th, 14h00 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: A smart grid is the combination of a traditional electrical power system with information and energy both flowing back and forth between suppliers and consumers. This new paradigm introduces major challenges such as the integration of intermittent generation and storage, and…

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GOM Seminar: Marcio Costa Santos, Friday, September 23rd 2016 – Approximation methods for a class of robust optimization problems

Date: September, 23rd, 11h30 Place: ULB Bruxelles Abstract: Multistage optimization problems under uncertainty have attracted interest from both the theoretical and the practical level and robust optimization stands among the most established methodologies for dealing with such problems. In robust optimization, we look for a solution that optimizes the objective…

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GOM Seminar: Fabio d’Andreagiovanni, Tuesday, June 21st 2016 – Zero-price Energy Offering by Multiband Robust Optimization

Date: June, 21st, 11h30 Place: ULB Bruxelles Abstract: We consider the problem of a price-taker generating company that wants to select energy offering strategies for its generation units, to maximize the profit while considering the uncertainty of market price. First, we review central references available in literature about the use…

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GOM Seminar: Maurice Queyranne Monday, May 2nd 2016 – Modeling convex subsets of points

Date: May, 2nd, 11h30 Place: ULB Bruxelles Abstract: Many planning and location problems in forestry, mining, political districting, farmland consolidation, as well as in data mining, entail the selection of a subset, or a partition into subsets, that should satisfy some, often ill-specified, shape constraints. A typical such shape constraint…

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PhD position available in the INOCS team (at INRIA Lille France)

Title : Models and methods for decentralized decision in logistics networks Keywords : Combinatorial Auctions, Integer Programming, Physical Internet Co-supervisors : E. Ballot (Ecole des Mines de Paris), L. Brotcorne (INRIA) Do not hesitate to contact Luce Brotcorne : luce.brotcorne@inria.fr Description: This Ph.D. research project consists in designing innovative logistics…

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