Postdoc position available: Revenue management in city logistics

Title: Revenue management in city logistics
Duration : 18 months
Starting date: March 2017 or soon after
Application deadline: 2017, February 21st

Do not hesitate to contact Luce Brotcorne :

The postdoc will work on a research project devoted to revenue management for attended home delivery service.
Attended home delivery is a last-mile delivery service, where the customer must be present for the delivery.
The classical delivery model utilizes couriers who serve customer requests. Each customer request consists in pickup and delivery locations (o-d pairs) associated with a tight delivery time window on which the delivery company and the customer agree. This research project aims to develop efficient pricing and revenue management methods for smoothing demand peaks and maximize the revenue for a company operating such a service. This approach will be based on an existing allocation module which determines the couriers’ schedules while minimizing the total costs. This research project is conducted within an industrial cooperation with Colisweb, a start-up based in Lille.

We look for candidates with a Ph.D. in Optimization, Operations Research with a strong track record evidenced by publications in top quality journals. A strong background in mathematical programming is required.

The successful candidate will join INOCS, a Belgian-french INRIA team, which aims to develop new models, algorithmic techniques and implementations for optimization problems with complex structure.

The position should be taken up in March 2017 or soon after.

Please include a CV and research statement with your application and arrange for two referees to send letters of recommendation to by the closing date.

The closing date for applications is on February 21 2017.

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