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Vincent Le Cam

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I am head of the SII Laboratory (Structures and Integrated Instrumentation) in the Cosys Department at Gustave Eiffel University – Nantes Campus. I am a senior Research Engineer and Ingénieur des Ponts et Forêts (IPEF). Since 2022, I am part of the directory board of COSYS.

Research interests / field of activity

  • Instrumentation
  • Wireless sensor networks
  • Sensor synchronization
  • Electronics and computer science
  • Structural Health Monitoring (as field of application)

Short bio

I have graduated from the Polytech Nantes engineering school in 1997 specialized in electronic and infomation technologies. I have been working 4 years in the Alcatel-Lucent company as an engineer, team manager and consultant in telecommunication systems. In 2002, I graduated from ENTPE (French National Engineering School of Public Works). Now I am working as head of the SII (Structures and Integrated Instrumentation) Laboratory (25 people). My interests are smart systems, sensors and wireless sensor networks specification and design in view of coupling structural modeling into smart devices. The topics of my 25 peer reviewed journal and conference papers refer to Non Destructive Techniques (NDT) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Since 2008, I am member of the Scientific Committee of EWSHM: European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring

Recent highlights

  • Licensing of « PEGASE-3 platform » to industry: plug and play smart, linux-insided board for generic purposes such as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)

PhD student supervision

  • David Pallier, as co-supervisor
  • Julien Le Scornec, as co-supervisor
  • Cédric Nzouatchoua, as co-supervisor


  • Framework agreements with SNCF Reseau, Alstom, CEA-LIST
  • Leader of “SHM@COFREND » working group
  • Secretary of the Scientific Committee of EWSHM


Université Gustave Eiffel
COSYS (Components and Systems) Department
SII (Structures and Integrated Instrumentation) Laboratory

Allée des Ponts et Chaussées
44341 Bouguenais Cedex

e-mail: vincent.le-cam(at)
