SUNSET Project

SUNSET aims at developing an innovative training software suite based on immersive and collaborative virtual reality technology for training and evaluating non-technical skills. This approach will be implemented and evaluated in the context of training neurosurgical scrub nurses. We will notably integrate methods and systems developed in the S3PM project (see bellow). By relying on Human Factors approaches, the project also addresses training and evaluation of interpersonal skills. Whereas the developed technologies and approaches will be generic and adaptable to any surgical spe- cialty, the project will evaluate the developed system within training sessions performed with scrub nurses. We ambition to propose novel approaches for surgical non-technical skill learning and assessment, and to install the developed training factory at the University Hospital of Rennes, and evaluate it with real-scale user studies.

SUNSET is a 4-year Labex Cominlabs project (2016-2020). SUNSET partners are MediCIS-LTSI (coordina- tor), Hybrid, Hycomes (IRISA/Inria), and CHU Rennes.

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