INTROSPECT: Introspection of Archaeological Data in the Digital Age

The INTROSPECT project is a research collaboration between researchers in computer science and archeology made up of about fifteen people from France (the IRISA and CReAAH laboratories, Inrap and the company Image ET), Université Laval and INRS-ETE. It is supported financially by the French National Research Agency and the Fonds…

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SUNSET Project

SUNSET aims at developing an innovative training software suite based on immersive and collaborative virtual reality technology for training and evaluating non-technical skills. This approach will be implemented and evaluated in the context of training neurosurgical scrub nurses. We will notably integrate methods and systems developed in the S3PM project…

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The Six-Finger Illusion

With the increasing demand in virtual reality applications and games, the need to understand how users perceive their virtual representation (avatar) is becoming more and more important. In particular, with the potential of virtual reality to alter and control avatars in different ways, the user representation in the virtual world…

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Bimanual Passive-Haptic Interaction

The Virtual Mitten is a novel visuo-haptic interaction paradigm for simulating the 3D manipulation of objects. Our approach introduces an elastic hand-held device that provides a passive haptic feedback through the fingers and a mitten interaction metaphor that enables to grasp and manipulate objects. The grasping performed by the mitten…

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Brain Computer Interfaces

One of the main research interests of hybrid is the design of brain-based interaction in virtual reality. This calls for 3D user interfaces based on brain-computer interfaces, and mind-based control. Hybrid explores its applicability on different use-case scenarios. Here we show some examples: The MindShooter videogame Brain-Computer Interfaces became more…

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Have you ever dreamed of having eyes in the back of your head? We have developed a novel display device called FlyVIZ which enables humans to experience a real-time 360° vision of their surroundings for the first time. To do so, we combine a panoramic image acquisition system (positioned on…

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