
  • CQFD (Complex ontological Queries over Federated and heterogenous Data). January 2019-48 months. Funded by ANR. Led by GraphIK. With LIG, IRISA, Inria Saclay/LIX (CEDAR), Inria Paris/ENS/CNRS (VALDA), Inria Lille Nord Europe/Cristal (Spirals), LaBRI, LTCI.
  • GLOPACK (Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging), EU H2020. June 2018-36 months. Led by University of Montpellier.
  • iCODA (Knowledge-mediated Content and Data Analytics – The case of data journalism). 2017-2021. Inria Project Lab. Led by LINKMEDIA (Inria Rennes). With CEDAR and ILDA (Inria Saclay), and press partners Ouest France, Le Monde (les décodeurs), AFP.
  • DOCAMEX (Développement de prOgiciels de Capitalisation et de Mobilisation du savoir-faire et de l’Expérience fromagers en filières valorisant leur terroir – Capitalization of Terroir Cheese Know-how and Experience). January 2017-42 months. CASDAR Innovation project. Led by CTFC (Centre Technique des Fromages Comtois).
  • NoAW (No Agricultural Waste). EU H2020. Oct. 2016-48 months. Led by University of Montpellier. Led by INRAE.
  • ANR Durdur : Dur-Dur (Innovations agronomiques, techniques et organisationnelles pour accroître la DURabilité de la filière blé DUR), 2014-2017 (3 years). Funded by ANR. Led by IATE Laboratory.
  • ASPIQ (ASP technologIes for Querying large scale multisource heterogeneous web information). January 2013-July 2017. Funded by ANR. With LSIS, CRIL, LERIA
  • PAGODA (Practical algorithms for ontology-based data access). Led by GraphIK. January 2013-August 2017. Funded by ANR. With LRI, INRIA-LEO, LIG, Grenoble Anatomy laboratory
  • QUALINCA (Quality and Interoperability of Large Catalogues of Documents), April 2012-September 2016. Funded by ANR. Led by GraphIK, with ABES, INA, LIG, LRI/LEO
  • EcoBioCap, funded by European Union FP7-KBBE, 2011-2015, led by INRA/IATE
  • SudocAd, funded by TGE Adonis, 2009-2010 (with ABES)

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