

  • Our engine SudoQual, developed in the context of Qualinca ANR project, has led to a  professional tool for documentalists released by ABES


  • Best paper award at RuleML+RR: Rules and Reasoning 2018, for the paper `On the k-Boundedness for Existential Rules’, by Stathis Delivorias, Michel Leclère, Marie-Laure Mugnier and Federico Ulliana


  • GraphIK is organizing the 30th Description Logic Workshop, to be held in Montpellier in July 2017. General chairs: Meghyn Bienvenu and Marie-Laure Mugnier.


  • Meghyn Bienvenu was awarded the bronze medal from CNRS.
  • Meghyn Bienvenu was an invited speaker at IJCAI 2016 (International Joint Conference in
    Artificial Intelligence), Early Career Spotlight track
  • Best paper award at RR 2016 (10th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems), for the paper `On the Complexity of Evaluating Regular Path Queries over Linear Existential Rules’, by Meghyn Bienvenu and Mickael Thomazo
  • GraphIK is organizing the JFPC/JIAF days (the national workshops on constraint programming and fundamental artificial intelligence) together with LIRMM/Coconut team.


  • Michel Chein has been nominated at the Academy of Science and Literature from Montpellier (Academie des Sciences et des Lettres de Montpellier).
  • 9th International Rule Challenge Award at RuleML 2015 for the paper `Datalog+, RuleML and OWL 2: Formats and Translations for Existential Rules’ by J.-F. Baget, A. Gutierrez, M. Leclere, M.-L. Mugnier, S. Rocher and C. Sipieter.


  • Michael Thomazo was awarded the AFIA Prize 2014 (French Association for Arti cial Intelligence), which annually  rewards the best French thesis in AI, for his PhD entitled `Conjunctive Query Answering Under Existential Rules –  Decidability, Complexity, and Algorithms’ defended in October 2013.
  • Mickael was also awarded the first accessit (2nd price) of Gilles Kahn Prize 2014 by the SIF (French Society for Computer Science), which annually rewards the best French thesis in computer science.
  • Marie-Laure Mugnier was co-Program Chair of the 8th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule  Systems (RR 2014), Athens, Greece, 2014.
  • Madalina Croitoru was General Chair of ICCS 2014 (21st International Conference on Conceptual Structures), Iasi, Romania, 2014.
  • Best student paper award at AI’2014 (Thirty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Arti cial Intelligence) for the paper `Query Failure Explanation in Inconsistent Knowledge Bases: A Dialogical Approach’ by Abdallah Arioua, Nouredine Tamani, Madalina Croitoru and Patrice Buche.
  • Best technical paper award at AI’2014 for the paper `On Ontological Expressivity and Modelling Argumentation Schemes Using COGUI’ by W. Hamdan, R. Khazem, G. Rebdaoui, Madalina Croitoru, Alain Gutierrez, Patrice Buche.


  • The LIRMM teams Coconut and GraphIK were the local organizers of ECAI 2012 (European Conference on Artificial Intelligence), held in Montpellier.
  • Best paper award at RR 2012 (International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems), for the paper `A Sound and Complete Backward Chaining Algorithm for Existential Rules’ by Melanie Konig, Michel Leclere, Marie-Laure Mugnier and Mickael Thomazo.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/graphik/highlights/