Workshop colib’read – November 7,8 2016

The colib’read group ( organises a workshop which aim is to present tools and results obtained for “calling biological information from raw reads”. The tools developed by the group are efficient both in terms of memory and computing time.
Most of these tools are reference-free and assembly-free, and thus give the possibility to analyse reads without a reference genome or without performing de novo assembly.
The methods we developed can readily be used to find variants in the context of non-model species, where no (good) reference genome is available, but we also would like to promote their use in the context of model species, especially in disease conditions.

Presentations will include a taste of algorithmic and will show some applications and results obtained using our proposed tools, such as kissplice [1], discoSnp [2] or Lordec [3]. We will also propose some interactive tool demonstrations and the program will include time for discussions.


— WHEN —
November 7,8 2016

Institut Curie – Amphithéâtre Constant Burg  12, Rue Lhomond 75005 Pari

The workshop attendance is free but ***registration is mandatory*** (see website)


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