Author's posts

Simka presentation

Simka (de novo metagenomics comparisons) was presented during the “Pasteur Metagenomics Summer School“. Check the Pierre’s presentation page.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/simka-presentation/

GATB programming day – Fall 2016

Are you interested in learning how to create high-performance NGS data analysis tools? Are you familiar with C++ programming and can you speak English? If so, Ok, well done ;). This event is for you: The GATB programming day: learn the basics of high-performance NGS data processing using the GATB-Corelibrary. This second edition of our GATB Tutorial is scheduled …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/gatb-programming-day-fall-2016/

Workshop colib’read – November 7,8 2016

The colib’read group (http://colibread.inria.fr/) organises a workshop which aim is to present tools and results obtained for “calling biological information from raw reads”. The tools developed by the group are efficient both in terms of memory and computing time. Most of these tools are reference-free and assembly-free, and thus give the possibility to analyse reads …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/workshop-colibread-november-78-2016/

discoSnp++2.2.0 released

A new discoSnp++ release is available. http://colibread.inria.fr/software/discosnp/ Existing features in a few words Detect SNPs and indels from raw read set(s), without the need of a reference genome. Provides genotyping and ranking Generates a fasta file of variant predictions containing a micro-assembly of the variant left and rigth neighbors Generates a VCF of predicted variants …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/discosnp2-2-0-released/

Galaxy Docker repository for metagenomics

Björn Grüning developped a  Galaxy Docker repository for metagenomics including commet : https://github.com/bgruening/galaxy-metagenomics

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/galaxy-docker-repository-for-metagenomics/

B-GREAT: map short reads on de-bruijn graph

First formal proposal analysing the problem of mapping short reads on a de Bruijn graph: complexity analysis, heuristic algorithm and test results here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04911

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/b-great-map-short-reads-on-de-bruijn-graph/

DiscoSnp++ now genotypes results and provides a VCF file

From version 2.1.2, discoSnp++ includes several new features as the usage of paired reads, the creation of a genotype or the production of a VCF with or without the use of a reference genome. Info and downloads : discoSnp++ page

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/discosnp-now-genotypes-results-and-provides-a-vcf-file/

DiscoSnp becomes DiscoSnp++. Detect SNPs and more

Information and download: DiscoSnp++ page

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/discosnp-becomes-discosnp-detect-snps-and-more/

Paper discoSnp published in NAR

The discoSnp paper will soon be published in Nucleic Acid Research. PDF proofs are already available from the discoSnp home page. discoSnp

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/paper-discosnp-published-in-nar/

Participation à l’opération Science en Marche

Les équipes du groupe Symbiose (Dyliss, Genouest et Genscale) participeront à l’opération Sciences en Marche lors du trajet Rennes–>Vitré du 10 octobre 2014. Plus d’infos ici:  

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/genscale/participation-a-loperation-science-en-marche/