Dominique LAVENIER

Author's posts

International Collaboration : Associate Team with LANL, NM, USA

Through the INRIA Associate Team Program, GenScale and Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, join their effort on the following research project: High-Performance Combinatorial Optimization for Computational Genomics Description of the research program

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Un outil d’analyse génomique pour le diagnostic cancer

Développée par l’équipe de recherche GenScale, au centre Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique, GATB est une boîte à outils pour l’analyse des données issues des séquenceurs génomiques de nouvelle génération. Elle comprend aujourd’hui une douzaine de logiciels spécialisés dans différentes tâches de bio-informatique. Les chercheurs prévoient d’y intégrer une nouvelle application destinée à faciliter le …

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Seeking Bioinformatics Engineer – 18 months

Key words : Assembly, NGS data, GATB, Algorithms See the proposal on Irisa web site

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JOBIM’2013: Best poster award to G. Collet, G Rizk, R Chikhi and D Lavenier

Guillaume Collet, Guillaume Rizk, Rayan Chikhi and Dominique Lavenier won the best poster award at JOBIM’2013 for their poster “MINIA on a Raspberry Pi: Assembling a 100 Mbp Genome on a Credit Card Sized Computer”

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CFP: Workshop on Distance Geometry and Applications

June 24-17, Manaus-Amazonas-BRAZIL

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Distance Geometry book edited by A. Mucherino

A new book entitled “Distance Geometry” edited by Antonio Mucherino, Assistant Professor and member of GenScale, is now available. Springer web site: link

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Minia selected as the best assembly algorithm in 2012

The Homologus blog reports the Top Bioinformatics Contributions of 2012. Minia, a new assembly algorithm, developed by R. Chikhi and G. Rizk, is ranked at the first position. Homologus web site: Minia web site:

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Korilog & GenScale

Korilog entre dans le pool des fournisseurs mondiaux de logiciels de génomique Article dans Biotech Finances : (PDF)

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Korilog and Inria announce collaboration on significant acceleration of BLAST

Questembert, France, June 15th, 2012 – Korilog and GenScale/Inria today announced the integration of the PLAST technology into Korilog software platforms. Licensed by Korilog from GenScale/Inria, PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of the Blast suite of algorithms. See Korilog Web Site

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Pr. Andonov awarded with the 20 most cited article (2007-2012) in Discrete Optimization Journal

Pr. R. Andonov, member of the GenScale team, is the author of one of the 20 most cited article 2007-2012 published in the Discrete Optimization journal with the following article: V. Pourriez, N. Yanec, and R. Andonov, A hybrid algorithm for the unbounded knapsack problem Discrete Optimization, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2009 See the diploma

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