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Meeting in Porto Alegre, April 2014

The first meeting to discuss research goals and experiments of Axis B1 took place on Friday 11th April 2014 in Porto Alegre with the presence of professors Philippe Navaux (UFRGS), Jean-François Méhaut (UJF) and Henrique Freitas (PUC Minas).

Stefano Mor’s Visit

Stefano Mor (PhD UFRGS/LIG-MOAIS) is visiting INRIA Grenoble (10/07/2014 to 10/09/2014). This visit is funded by the FP7 HPC GA project.

Marcio Castro’s visit

Marcio Castro (Post Doc UFRGS) visited the NANOSIM team in January 2014 (18th January to 11th February). This visit was funded by the FP7 HPC GA project.

Edson Padoin’s visit

Edson Luiz Padoin (PhD UFRGS) visited the NANOSIM team (3rd  June until 23th June). This visit was funded by the FP7 HPC GA project.

paper for SBAC PAD 2014, Paris, October

Title: Energy Efficient Seismic Wave Propagation Simulation on a Low-power Manycore Processor Authors: M. Castro (UFRGS, UFSC), F. Dupros (BRGM), E. Francesquini (USP, UNICAMP), J-F. Méhaut (UJF), P. Navaux (UFRGS) This work is also funded by the FP7 IRSES HPC GA project.


Title: Adaptive Thread Mapping Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications Authors: M. Castro (UFRGS), L. Goes (PUC Minas), J-F. Méhaut (UJF/NANOSIM) Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Volume 74, Number 9, pp 2845-2859, September 2014


This paper is published in the FCGS journal. Preliminar work was published in the ICPAD’2012 conference in Singapore. Title : A topology-aware load balancing algorithm for clustered hierarchical multi-core machines Authors: L. Pilla (UFRGS/LIG), C. Pousa (LIG), P. Coucheney (UVSQ), F. Broquedis (MOAIS), B. Gaujal (MESCAL), P. Navaux (UFRGS), J-F. Méhaut (UJF/NANOSIM) Future Generation Computer Systems …

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PDP’14, Torino, Italy

This ExaSE was presented at the PDP conference in February 2014. Title: Topology-Aware Load Balancing for Performance Portability over Parallel High Performance Systems Authors: R. Tesser (UFRGS), L. Pilla (UFRGS/LIG), F. Dupros (BRGM), P. Navaux (UFRGS), J-F. Méhaut (UJF), C. Mendes (NCSA) This work wad also funded by the FP7 HPC GA project. This work …

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Laercio Pilla’s PhD defense (UFRGS, Université de Grenoble)

11th April 2014, UFRGS, Porto Alegre PhD candidate: Laercio Lima Pilla (UFRGS, Université de Grenoble) Title: Topology-Aware Load Balancing for Performance Portability over Parallel High Performance Systems PhD committee: A. Goldman (USP), R. Namyst (Bordeaux I), W. Meira Jr (UFMG), P. Navaux (UFRGS), J-F. Méhaut (UJF)

Emilio Francesquini’s PhD defense (USP/Université de Grenoble)

16 May 2014, Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil) PhD candifate: Emilio de Camargo Francesquini (USP, Université de Grenoble) Title: Dealing with Actor Runtime Environments on Hierarchical Shared Memory Multi-Core Platforms PhD Committee: P. Navaux (UFRGS), J-P. Briot (CNRS), F. Hubner (UFSC), L. Castro (Coruna), A. Goldman (USP), J-F. Méhaut (UJF)