Team alumni

(non-exhaustive list)

    • Agustina Fragueiro : Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”Chieti – Pescara
    • René-Paul Debroize
    • Jean-Charles Roy : post-doc
    • Thomas Durantel
    • Arthur Masson, : IR Inria chez SAIRPICO
    • Mathis Fleury
    • Renaud Hédouin
    • Olivier Commowick, CRCN, Inria
    • Raphael Truffet : computer science teacher for MP2I students at Lycée Carnot (Dijon, France).
    • Lou Scotto di Covella: biology teacher
    • Xavier Rolland: mathematics teacher
    • Mathis Fleury : now post-doctoral researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
    • Yao Chi: now engineer DGDI Inria
    • Christian Barillot: founder and leader of the team
    • Corentin Vallée : post-doctoral researcher King’s College – Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
    • Antoine Legouhy: post-doctoral researcher at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
    • Giulia Lioi, Hemisfer : Assistant Professor at IMT Atlantique (Brest) , Département image et traitement de l’information
    • Angélique Jarnoux, INRIA (administrative assistant)
    • Haykel Snoussi
    • Sudhanya Chatterjee: research engineer at GE Global Research, Bangalore, India
    • Saman Noorzadeh: post-doctoral fellow at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
    • Hrishikesh Deshpande : research engineer at Philips · Digital Imaging Group, Hamburg, Germany.
    • Aymeric Stamm :  research engineer at Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray, Nantes, France.
    • Lei Yu : Associate Prof., Wuhan University, China
    • Marsel Mano  : Core Lab Data Scientist / Clinical Trial Manager at Biotrial, France
    • Thomas Oberlin : Assistant Professor at INP-ENSEEIHT, University of Toulouse, France
    • Lorraine Perronnet :  Ingénieur analyste chez Sword Group
    • Yogesh Karpate
    • Fang Cao
    • Juan Francisco Garamendi Bragado : Computer Vision Researcher at Rational Pixels
    • Alessandro Crimi : Senior Researcher at UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Switzerland
    • Meena Mani

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