Julien Louis

Julien Louis
IRISA – Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex – France
Tel : +33 2 99 84 71 46



(Sharing NeurOImaging Resources) is an open source neuroinformatics platform designed to share, archive, search and visualize neuroimaging data. It provides a user-friendly secure web access and offers an intuitive workflow to facilitate the collecting and retrieving of neuroimaging data from multiple sources and a wizzard to make the completion of metadata easy. Shanoir comes along many features such as anonymization of data, support for multi-centres clinical studies on subjects or group of subjects.




  • Software engineer at Inria – Rennes [04/2018 – now]
  • Freelance software engineer [09/2017 – 04/2018]
  • Software engineer at Inria – Rennes [04/2016 – 04/2017]
  • Software engineer at Orchestra – Paris [09/2013 – 11/2015]
  • Engineering apprentice at Orange Labs – Rennes & ENSSAT – Lannion [09/2010 – 09/2013]

Software Interests

  • Frond End development
  • Javascript frameworks
  • User Interface design
  • Java Entreprise


  • Java, Angular, Spring Boot, Eclipse, UML, HTML, JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, C++, Visual Studio, Python, CSS, Hibernate, JSON, Services web RESTful, Maven, Git, Github

See https://www.linkedin.com/in/julien-louis-2bb8966a for more

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