Camille Muller


Oct. 2023-now: Post-doc position in the Empenn team. Working on the Peperoni project on the “effects of multimodal neurofeedback with EEG and fNIRS for post-stroke rehabilitation”.

2022-2023: Research and teaching assistant at the Sport and sciences faculty of the Aix-Marseille University in Neurosciences and Biomechanics.

2019-2023: PhD in human movement science at the EuroMov digital health in motion laboratory of the University of Montpellier, in the team Learning and Complexity. PhD on the “Brain activity of upper limb movement in healthy and pathological aging: perspectives for post-stroke rehabilitation”.

2017-2019: Master research intership at the Inter-university Laboratory of Human Movement Biology (LIBM, University of Lyon 1), in the MP3 team (Mental Processes, Cerebral Plasticity and Motor Performance). Project on “The effects of motor imagery and transcranial direct current stimulation on the motor learning in young and older healthy adults”.



Address: IRISA / Inria Rennes, Empenn team
               Campus de Beaulieu
               35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Sites: ResearchGate, HAL, ORCID

Main publications:

  • Muller C.O., Muthalib M., Mottet D., Perrey S., Dray G., Delorme M., Duflos C., Froger J., Xu B., Faity G., Pla S., Jean P., Laffont I., Bakhti K.K.A. Recovering arm function in chronic stroke patients using combined anodal HD-tDCS and virtual reality therapy (ReArm): a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2021 ;22(1):747. https://doi:10.1186/s13063-021-05689-5
  • Metais, A., Muller, C. O., Boublay, N., Breuil, C., Guillot, A., Daligault, S., Di Rienzo, F., Collet, C., Krolak-Salmon, P., & Saimpont, A. (2022). Anodal tDCS does not enhance the learning of the sequential finger-tapping task by motor imagery practice in healthy older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, 1060791. 
  • Muller, C. O., Perrey, S., Bakhti, K., Muthalib, M., Dray, G., Xu, B., Mottet, D., & Laffont, I. (2023). Aging effects on electrical and hemodynamic responses in the sensorimotor network during unilateral proximal upper limb functional tasks. Behavioural Brain Research, 443, 114322. 
  • Muller C.O., Faity G., Muthalib M., Perrey S., Dray G., Xu B., Delorme M., Laffont I., Froger J., Bakhti K. (In Revision) Brain-movement relationship in upper-limb functional tasks for chronic post-stroke patients. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.
  • Muller C.O., Metais A., Breuil C., Boublay N., Di Rienzo F., Collet C., Guillot C., Krolak Salmon P., Saimpont A. (2024). Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation does not enhance the effects of motor imagery training of a sequential inger-tapping task in young adults. Journal of Sports Sciences, 42(5), 392–403.


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