March 2019 – Semaine du Cerveau – Brain awareness week

In the context of the brain awareness week (March 11-15th), the Empenn research team and the Neurinfo imaging facility organized several local events :

–  A talk on neuroinformatics and collaborative research by Camille Maumet

– A talk on neurofeedback by Christian Barillot

– A quiz on brain anatomy, imaging, tractography and medical image processing

with 50 attendees each

– A visit of high school students at Neurinfo with 4 labs : MR imaging, EEG and neurofeedback, BOLD fMRI at the mock scanner and medical image processing.

These events were coordinated by Claire Cury, Giulia Lioi and Elise Bannier. All in all, twenty researchers – post-docs – PhD students  – Master students – residents and neuropsychologists were involved and the feedback from the audience was very good.


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