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L’équipe Dracula n’est plus active, mais jetez un coup d’oeil sur notre toute nouvelle équipe MUSICS à!
Mardi 15 octobre 2019 ENS de Lyon – Amphi SVT Program 9h00 – 10h00: Olga K. Dudko, University of California San Diego. « On the Border of Order: Chromosomal Organization in Space and Time » 10h00 – 10h30: coffee break 10h30 – 11h00: Yad Ghavi-Helm, IGFL « Highly rearranged chromosomes reveal uncoupling…
Of bites and bytes: Tooth development in silico. Roland Zimm, ENS Lyon Animal development integrates gene regulatory dynamics, biomechanics and cell behaviours, in usually non-linear and reciprocally interdependent ways. In order to comprehend this complexity, numerical simulations of development are becoming an increasingly important tool. We use two different numerical…
Interactions of antibodies and bacteria in the digestive tract Claude Loverdo Inside the organism, the immune system can fight generically against any bacteria. However, the lumen of the gut is home to a very important microbiota, so the host has to find alternative ways to fight dangerous bacteria while sparing…
Jean-Michel Arbona. Emergence of the spatio-temporal replication program: from 1D signals to 3D chromatin structures.
Bastien Polizzi 8 janvier, 11h00, 4e étage Mixture models for phototrophic biofilms and gut microbiota ecology Inria Antenne Lyon La Doua Bâtiment CEI-2 56 bd Niels Bohr 69603 Villeurbanne France
Study of delay differential equations with applications to the regulation of blood platelet production La soutenance se déroulera le mercredi 21 novembre à 14h00 en salle Fontanes (campus de la Doua, Bâtiment Darwin D, rdc). Le jury sera composé de Campbell Sue Ann, University of Waterloo (Rapporteure) Webb Glenn, Université…
Franck Picard 6 novembre, 11h00, 4e Statistical investigation of replication origins in vertebrate genomes Inria Antenne Lyon La Doua Bâtiment CEI-2 56 bd Niels Bohr 69603 Villeurbanne France
Modélisation de la Réponse Immunitaire T CD8 – Analyse Mathématique et Modèles Multiéchelles La soutenance de thèse aura lieu le mardi 13 novembre à 13h30 en salle Fokko du Cloux (campus de la Doua, Bâtiment Braconnier, 1er étage) Le jury sera composé de Champagnat Nicolas, Inria Nancy (Rapporteur) Chauviere Arnaud,…