We organize talks covering various topics every last Thursday of the month. Often attending these talks is by invitation only, but we are sharing our program with everyone here. When available, public materials will be referenced on this page.
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Dynamic Processes with PSets (DPP): Design Principles for Dynamic Resource Management in High-Performance Parallel Programming Models
by Dominik Huber
Dynamic Resource Management on HPC systems could benefit HPC system providers and users as it could improve the flexibility of job scheduling. This talk describes our current research on the Dynamic Processes with PSets (DPP) approach – a set of generic design principles for dynamic resource management in high-performance parallel programming models.
Run your HPC jobs in Eco-Mode: revealing the potential of user-assisted power capping in supercomputing systems
by Luc Angelelli
Given the extreme power consumption of HPC Systems, it is important to learn to manage and limit them in some ways. We introduce Eco-Mode, a scheduler where users can sacrifice some performance to help the platform meet power targets.
Fast presenters: Dorian Goepp