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Eric Rutten

I am an INRIA researcher at INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.
I lead the Inria team Ctrl-A.

My main research interest is in the model-based control of autonomic, adaptive and reconfigurable computing systems, also called feedback computing.

I use tools from discrete control theory, particularly discrete controller synthesis, for the correct design of closed-loop management of resources and energy, e.g. in mobile devices and of fault recovery.
I encapsulate these automated formal techniques into programming environments, model-oriented like the BZR reactive language, or domain-oriented like the component-based Architecture Description Language (ADL) Ctrl-F.
I integrate them in model-based software engineering methodologies, to contribute to the spreading of their concrete use.
The approach is explored at different levels:

  • in software, at the levels of application adaptation or for administration control-loops:
    • in relation with software component-based models like FRACTAL and the Frascati middleware,
    • in HPC runtimes, to dynamically adapt parallelism vs. synchronization, in Software Transactional Memory systems, in the Labex Persyval project HPES (2013-2016)
    • in the context of system administration loops in green data-centers, in the ANR project Ctrl-Green (2011-2015)
    • in relation with Real-Time Operating Systems for control applications (e.g. Orccad)
  • in Dynamically Partially Reconfigurable (DPR) architectures, like typically in hardware platforms based on FPGA : this was first in the context of the ANR project FAMOUS (2009-2013) and now in the ANR project HPeC (2015-2019).

Previously, I worked on these topics in the Control group, which I was leading, in the Sardes team.

PhDs and post-doc colleagues, present and past:

  • Adja Sylla, PhD (CEA) 2015-2018
  • Naoweiluo Zhou, PhD 2013-2016
  • Frederico Alvares, post-doc, 2013-2015 [ARS15a] [ARS15b]
    (then post-doc, at Inria/Ecole des Mines, Nantes)
  • Julio Cano, post-doc, 2013-2014 [CDRBG14] [CDR14]
    (then post-doc, at U. Porto)
  • Nicolas Berthier, post-doc 2012-2013
    (then post-doc, at INRIA Rennes)
  • Mengxuan Zhao, PhD 2012-2015 [ZPAR14] [ZPRA13]
    (then engineer at EGobalMark)
  • Soguy Geye, PhD 2011-2014 [DGR15] [DGRP14] [GPRTB14] [GPRTB14] [GPRTH13] [GPR13] [DGPMR13] [GRT12] [GPR12]
    (then post-doc, at UJF / LIG)
  • Tayeb Bouhadina, post-doc 2010-2011 [BSDR11]
    (then post-doc, at Verimag; then at Mentor Graphics)
  • Xin An, PhD 2010-2013 [AGR14] [ARDLG13] [AGR12] [AGR11]
  • Sébastien Guillet, PhD 2009-2012 [OGRBDG15] [GLRGD14] [GLLRDG12] [GLLRDG12b] [GLRGD10]
    (then post-doc, at U. Quebec)
  • Gwenael Delaval, post-doc 2009-2010 [DR10b] [DR07]
    (then Assistant Prof. at U. Grenoble 1)
  • Huafeng Yu, PhD 2005-2008 [QYGRMD10]
    (then post-doc at INRIA Rennes)
  • Ouassila Labbani, PhD 2004-2006 [LDBR07]
    (then Assistant Prof. at U. Dijon)
  • Abdoulaye Gamatie, post-doc 2005-2006 [GRYBD08]
    (then CNRS at LIFL Lille)
  • Emil Dumitrescu, post-doc 2003-2004 [DGR04]
    (then Assistant Prof. at INSA Lyon)
  • Karine Altisen, post-doc 2001-2002 [ACMR03]
    (then Assistant Prof. with ENSIMAG, at Verimag)
  • Fernando Jimenez, PhD 1998-2001 [J01]
    (then Assistant Prof. in Mexico)
  • Jean-Rene Beauvais, PhD 1996-1999 [B01]
    (then industry)


statement selected papers BZR language and compiler new in 2013-16 activity in 2011-13 papers in 2011-13 Statement On the research topic of automated management of reconfigurable and self-adaptive computing systems, I define and explore model-based control methods and tools for the design of Autonomic Computing systems with safety and performance guarantees on their dynamic behaviors. …





Projet CNRS du programme Projet Exploratoire-Premier(s) Soutien(s) PEPS Rupture de l’INS2I 2011 Automatique pour l’informatique autonomique contrôle en boucle fermée des systèmes de calcul reconfigurables, adaptatifs et autonomiques, et techniques de l’automatique pour l’informatique nouvelles récentes 2ème Atelier ouvert (AAIA’13) associé au colloque ComPAS 2013, le 15 janvier 2013, à Grenoble, à l’INRIA-Montbonnot événements participants …


Ctrl-A working group on Supervisory control Techniques for Autonomic, Adaptive and Reconfigurable computing Systems   objective meetings / réunions members projects   objective Computing systems are more and more ubiquitous, at scales from tiny embedded systems to large-scale cloud infrastructures. They are more and more adaptive and reconfigurable, for resource management, energy efficiency, or by …

Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Control

Adaptive and reconfigurable computing systems are becoming widespread, in different areas such as Cloud computing, High-Performance Computing, or Smart Environments in the Internet of Things. Their particularity is to be able to change their computing structure dynamically, in response to changes in their environment or execution platform. Motivations for the adaptivity are found in resource …

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  1. […] Eric Rutten, INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, France […]

  2. […] Eric Rutten, INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, France […]

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