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Frederico Alvares

I received my Ph.D. from Université de Nantes in April 2013. After that I spent six months as a post-doctoral researcher at École des Mines de Nantes, working on Service-Level Agreement specification for Self-adaptive Cloud Services. In November 2013, I joined Ctrl-a research team at INRIA Grenoble, where I have been working as post-doctoral researcher on language-level support for the reconfiguration of component architectures. This research has been carried out in the context of Ctrl-a (Grenoble) and Spirals (Lille) research teams.


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université de Nantes (2013)
  • M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Instituto de Tecnologia de Aeronáutica, Brazil (2009)
  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil (2006)

Research Interests

  • Autonomic Computing
  • Software Architecture as a tool for Self-adaptive Software Systems
  • Cloud Computing
  • Green IT
  • Reactive Systems


  • Component-based Architectures (2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014)
  • First-year final project (2011-2012/2012-2013)
  • XML (2011-2012)
  • Integration project (2011-2012)
  • Object Oriented Programming (2011-2012)
  • Imperative Programming (2011-2012)
  • Data structures (2010-2011)
  • Data bases (2010-2011)
  • UML (2009)

Participation as reviewer in PC programs

  • (2014) IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,
  • (2013) Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware
  • (2013) ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, track Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing,
  • (2011) Book Chapter in Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures : Theory and Practice,
  • (2008) Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture and European Conference on Software Architecture


Book Chapter

  • Frederico Alvares De Oliveira Jr., Adrien Lebre, Thomas Ledoux, Jean-Marc Menaud, “Self-management of applications and systems to optimize energy in data centers”, In Chapterin Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures : Theory and Practice, IGI Global, 2012.

International Journals

  • Frederico Alvares de Oliveira Jr., Thomas Ledoux, “Self-management of cloud applications and infrastructure for energy optimization”, In SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., ACM, vol. 46, no. 122, New York, NY, USA, 2012.
  • Frederico G. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., José M. Parente de Oliveira, “QoS-based Approach for Dynamic Web Service Composition”, In Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 712-741, 2011.
  • Frederico G. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., José M. Parente de Oliveira, “An Infrastructure for Evolving Dynamic Web Services Composition”, In International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 95-106, 2010.
  • Frederico de Oliveira Jr., Ricardo Lima, Marcio Cornelio, Sergio Soares, Paulo Maciel, Raimundo Barreto, Meuse Oliveira Jr., Eduardo Tavares, “CML : C Modeling Language”, In Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 682-700, 2007.

International Conferences and Workshops

  • Yousri Kouki, Frederico Alvares De Oliveira Jr., Simon Dupont, Thomas Ledoux, “A Language Support for Cloud Elasticity Management”, In the proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid’2014), Chicago, IL, USA. To Appear. (A-Ranked)
  • Frederico Alvares De Oliveira Jr., Remi Sharrock, Thomas Ledoux, “A framework for the coordination of multiple autonomic managers in cloud environments”, In the proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO’2013), Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Frederico Alvares De Oliveira Jr., Remi Sharrock, Thomas Ledoux, “Synchronization of Multiple Autonomic Control Loops : Application to Cloud Computing”, In COORDINATION – International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages – 2012, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012. (A-Ranked)
  • Frederico Alvares de Oliveira Jr., Thomas Ledoux, “Self-management of applications QoS for energy optimization in datacenters”, In Green Computing Middleware on Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop, ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 3 :1-3 :6, 2011.
  • Frederico Alvares de Oliveira Jr., Thomas Ledoux, “Self-optimisation of the energy footprint in service-oriented architectures”, In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Green Computing, ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 4-9, 2010.
  • Frederico Guilherme Alvares de Oliveira Jr., José Maria P. de Oliveira, “A heuristic-based runtime ranking for service composition”, In ICITST, IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2009.
  • Gian Ricardo Berkenbrock, Celso Massaki Hirata, Frederico Guilherme Alvares de Oliveira Jr., José Maria Parente de Oliveira, “Applying Semantic Web Services and Wireless Sensor Networks for System Integration”, In IT Revolutions, Springer, vol. 11, pp. 161-170, 2008.

National Conference

  • Frederico de Oliveira Jr., Ricardo Lima, Marcio Cornelio, Sergio Soares, Paulo Maciel, Raimundo Barreto, Meuse Oliveira Jr., Eduardo Tavares, “CML : The C Modeling Language”, In Simpósio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programação, pp. 5-18, 2007.

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