Team members

Team Leader

Éric Rutten (Inria, Lig)


Team assistant

  • Imma Presseguer (Inria)

External collaborators

PhD students

  • Mike da Silva (CEA)
  • Jolahn Vaudey (UGA)
  • Lea Astrid Kenmogne Mekemte (G-INP)
  • Kouds Halitim (Inria)


  • Jonathan Bleuzen (Inria)

Past members

  • Ghada Moualla (ATER, UGA, Lig)
  • Estelle Hotellier (PhD Cifre Naval Group, Ollioules)
  • Quentin Guilloteau (PhD UGA)
  • Rosa Pagano (MSc Politecnico di Milano)
  • Lilian Gardon (IUT)
  • Nelson Nkawa (eng., G-INP)
  • Salilm Chehida (post-doc, Inria, H2020 CPS4EU)
  • Nelson Nkawa (M2 Cybersécurité et Informatique Légale, UGA)
  • Ahmadreza Ahmadi (M2R MISCIT, UGA)
  • Ali-El-Hadi Noura (M2R MISCIT, UGA)
  • Jolahn Vaudey (M2R MOSIG, ENSIMAG)
  • Karim Fellah (post-doc, Inria, H2020 CPS4EU)
  • Sophie Cerf (post-doc, Inria)
  • Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam (post-doc, Inria, H2020 CPS4EU)
  • Ghada Moualla (post-doc, Orange labs, Meylan)
  • David N. Donkor (M2R MISCIT, UGA)
  • Ismail Hawila (M2R MISCIT, UGA)
  • Hassan Hijazi (M2R IOT, UBFC)
  • Nicolas Vallet (Eng. intern, ENSE3)
  • Jolahn Vaudey (ENSIMAG 2A)
  • Neil Ayeb, PhD (Cifre Orange labs, Meylan)
  • Manal Benaissa (M2R MOSIG, UGA)
  • Quentin Guilloteau (M2R MOSIG, ENSIMAG)
  • Fabien Lefevre (alternance, UGA)
  • Bashir Ibrahim (M2R MISCIT, UGA)
  • Lucie Muller (M2PGi, UGA)
  • Gaetan Sorin (alternance, UGA)
  • Hamza Sahli, post-doc (in Nantes, team Stack, co-advised with Thomas Ledoux)
  • Abdul-Hafeez Ali (M2R MISCIT)
  • Ayan Hore (M2R MOSIG), now at Schneider Electric
  • Lucie Muller (M1 TER)
  • Mohsen Zargarani (M2R MISCIT)
  • Agustin Yabo (M2R)
  • Soguy Mak-Karé Gueye, post-doc, now at ATOS, Grenoble
  • Adja Sylla, PhD
  • Lénaïg Terrier (M2R)
  • Emmanuel Stahl (Eng. intern, ENSE3)
  • Naweiluo Zhou, PhD, now engineer at GotouchVR in Grenoble
  • Armando Ochoa (M2R)
  • Alia Hajjar (M2R)
  • Abdoul Razak (TER)
  • Hassane Alla, external collaborator (UJF, Gipsa-Lab)
  • Nicolas Marchand, external collaborator (CNRS, Gipsa-Lab)
  • Mengxuan Zhao, PhD, now Validation Engineer with Easy Global Market
  • Frederico Alvares, post-doc, now post-doc at Inria Bretagne, Nantes
  • Julio Cano, post-doc, now post-doc at U. Porto, Portugal
  • Xin An, PhD, now Ass. Prof. at Hefei U., China

Gwenaël Delaval

Assistant professor since 2010 in the Ctrl-A team in LIG (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble). Research subjects Compilation of synchronous programming languages Programming methodologies using discrete controller synthesis Distribution of synchronous programs See my publications. Teaching INF304 : bases de développement logiciel : modularité, tests (L2 INM/MIN) INF301 : Algorithmique et Programmation Impérative (L2 INM / …

Frederico Alvares

I received my Ph.D. from Université de Nantes in April 2013. After that I spent six months as a post-doctoral researcher at École des Mines de Nantes, working on Service-Level Agreement specification for Self-adaptive Cloud Services. In November 2013, I joined Ctrl-a research team at INRIA Grenoble, where I have been working as post-doctoral researcher …

Eric Rutten

I am an INRIA researcher at INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes. I lead the Inria team Ctrl-A. My main research interest is in the model-based control of autonomic, adaptive and reconfigurable computing systems, also called feedback computing. I use tools from discrete control theory, particularly discrete controller synthesis, for the correct design of closed-loop management of resources …