Job offers


Tenured Researcher Positions

Inria offers several permanent junior researcher positions in Computer Architecture and Compilation. Every year, Inria (French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) recrutes ~50 researchers. As an example, in 2023 Inria recruted 48 junior researchers: 24 research fellows (CRCN)  and 24 Inria starting faculty positions (ISFP). Both these types of recruitements are equivalent to standard tenured positions in other countries such as the US and the UK, with an important advantage—Inria positions are full-time research positions. There is no required teaching for CRCN (unless one wishes to teach), reduced teaching duties for ISFP (32-64 hours/year).

An Inria researcher is part of a team. Team members are typically united by a common research project, or common research interests. Thus, all applicants should contact the head of the team in their research domain for advice and guidance. The deadline for submitting the application is usually early March. But it is important to contact the team leader ( at the earliest. 

Postdoc Positions

CORSE has several opened post-doctoral positions. A postdoc in CORSE can be viewed as a tenured track for an Inria permanent position. We are interested in hiring students who have expertise and interest in working in one of the following areas:

  • Performance (time and/or energy) optimisation (compiler and/or runtime). We have special interest in working on optimisation for pattern-specific applications (affine, sparse/dense linear algebra, convolutions, etc.)
  • Architecture (cpu, cache, memory) simulation (performance/functional) and modelling (performance/functional). We have special interest in the development of :
    • automatic generation of cycle-approximate hardware simulators (using reverse engineering)
    • transaction concolic simulation for checking robustness of software (counter measure, etc.)

Please contact to discuss postdoc offers.

Engineer Positions

CORSE is interested in hiring people with the following expertise:

  • Low-level compiler technology (binary translation/instrumentation/disassembling)
  • Compiler development (LLVM, GCC, etc.)
  • Fast emulation (QEMU) or instrumentation frameworks (PIN, DynamoRio, Valgrind, etc.)
  • Polyhedral framework (ISL)
  • Operational Research (e.g. Gurobi)

Please contact to discuss postdoc offers.

PhD Positions

Please contact to discuss postdoc offers.

Internship Positions

Please contact to discuss postdoc offers. 

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