Paolo Papotti: “Explainable Fact Checking for Statistical and Property Claims”

Paolo Papotti will present his work on fact checking, in our team, on October 15th at 2pm. It will be online on Zoom at Title: Explainable Fact Checking for Statistical and Property Claims Abstract: Misinformation is an important problem but fact checkers are overwhelmed by the amount of …

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Alexis Cvetkov-Iliev: “Analytics across data sources: more learning, rather than more cleaning”

Alexis Cvetkov-Iliev will present his work with Gael Varoquaux on October 1st, 2pm. It will be online on Zoom at Title: Analytics across data sources: more learning, rather than more cleaning Abstract: Aggregating data across multiple sources faces the challenges of varying knowledge-representation conventions across the sources. To …

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CEDAR papers and demo at BDA 2020

Two papers were accepted at BDA 2020:

  • “Graph-based keyword search in heterogeneous data sources” by Angelos Christos Anadiotis, Mhd Yamen Haddad, and Ioana Manolescu
  • “Graph integration of structured, semistructured and unstructured data for data journalism” by Oana Balalau, Catarina Conceição, Helena Galhardas, Ioana Manolescu, Tayeb Merabti, Jingmao You, and …

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PVLDB 2020: “A system design for elastically scaling transaction processing engines in virtualized servers”

The paper “A system design for elastically scaling transaction processing engines in virtualized servers” by Angelos Christos Anadiotis, Raja Appuswamy, Anastasia Ailamaki, Ilan Bronshtein, Hillel Avni, David Dominguez-Sal, Shay Goikhman and Eliezer Levy has been accepted for publication in the Industrial track of PVLDB 2020.

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