BDA 2024:  three papers and three demonstrations accepted

The following articles and demonstrations have been accepted for publication at BDA 2024:   “Efficient Crawler for Scalable Web Data Acquisition” 
By Antoine Gauquier, Ioana Manolescu, Pierre Senellart

“Un cadre visuel unifié pour l’exploration des données (semi) structurées” (short paper) 
By Theo Bouganim, Ioana Manolescu, Emmanuel Pietriga

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BDA 2023: three accepted papers

The papers

“Computing Generic Abstractions from Application Datasets”
by Nelly Barret, Ioana Manolescu and Prajna Upadhyay

“Evaluating the Factual Faithfulness of Graph-to-Text Generation”
by Kun Zhang, Oana Balalau and Ioana Manolescu

“Scalable Analytics on Multi-Streams Dynamic Graphs”
by Angelos Anadiotis, Muhammad Ghufran Khan and Ioana Manolescu

have been accepted for …

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