VLDB 2016 demo: “Mixed-instance querying: a lightweight integration architecture for data journalism”

The demonstration “Mixed-instance querying: a lightweight integration architecture for data journalism” by Raphaël Bonaque, Bogdan Cautis, François Goasdoué, Javier Letelier, Ioana Manolescu, Oscar Mendoza, Swen Ribeiro, Xavier Tannier and Michaël Thomazo has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2016.

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“Factminder” presented at the Duke University conference on automated fact-checking

At the last week Tech & Check Conference of the Duke University in North Carolina, Michaël Thomazo presented the FactMinder, our system for archiving, annotating, and querying semantic-rich Web content. The event aimed at bringing together journalists (mostly fact-checkers, from Factcheck, Politifact, Full Fact, Chequeado,…) and computer scientists in order to have a clearer …

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