Šejla Čebirić: Structural and Semantic Summarization of RDF Graphs

Šejla Čebirić will give a talk on Friday, April 14, at 2 pm, in the Turing building, room Grace Hopper.

Structural and Semantic Summarization of RDF Graphs

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is the W3C’s graph data model for Semantic Web applications. RDF graphs are often large and heterogeneous, thus users may have a hard time getting familiar with the structure and semantics of a graph.
We consider the problem of building automatically, with no user input, compact RDF graph summaries which represent the complete structure and semantics of the graph, and are representative and accurate for a large useful dialect of SPARQL. We build out of an RDF graph, a summary of its explicit and implicit data (the latter is due to RDF semantic constraints); a summary for which this is possible is termed complete. Four novel summaries are introduced and it is shown that two of them are complete. Further, we provide a sufficient condition for RDF summarization completeness, and show that bisimulation summaries, previously studied, satisfy this condition.


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