Open source and free licences

Notes from Alexandre Sevin ( A license is a contract; it gives some rights but also some obligations. A license is a contract; it gives some rights but also some obligations. It is an adhesion contract (not negotiable). Free is different from open source. A license is free if:

Asterios Katsifodimos: Optimizing Across Relational and Linear Algebra in Parallel Analytics Pipelines

Asterios Katsifodimos will give a talk on Friday 20th, at 2pm. The talk will take place in the Turing Building, Inria Saclay, in the room Flowers ( Title: Optimizing Across Relational and Linear Algebra in Parallel Analytics Pipelines Abstract: Advanced data analysis typically requires some form of preprocessing in …

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SIGMOD 2017 notes

The summary of some presentations at SIGMOD 2017 Keynote: Democratizing Advanced Analytics Beyond Just Plumbing Advanced analytics = data management + ML (Machine Learning). Machine Learning puts more focus on accuracy (or other evaluation metrics) and runtime efficiency while advanced analytics puts more focus on scalability, usability, manageability, developability. There are …

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