Dipanjan Chakraborty: “X4Good: technologies for social good”

Dipanjan Chakraborty will present his work on June 15th at 11AM.



X4Good: technologies for social good



In this talk I will speak about the work that my group does in using technologies for social good, focused in the global south, especially India. We use research methods derived from the domains of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Data Sciences and the Social Sciences to develop Human-Centred technologies which find applications in informing the text-illiterate, classifying fake news in Indian languages, evaluating social welfare schemes through remote sensing, understanding the interaction of technology with society, and in sense-making of why people behave a certain way around technologies, among others. In this talk I will start with a contextual background, then touch upon several of the projects, and go deep into a few of the projects that we have worked on.



He is an Assistant Professor at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, since July 2019.
He has started the Responsible Technologies Research group in the Department which aims to create technologies which ensure responsible outcome for its users and for society. His research interests lie at the Intersection of Technology and Society and he specialises in the fields of ICTD, HCI and Computer Systems Engineering. A lot of his current research is aimed at sense-making of why people behave the way they do on online platforms. The research is made up of data collection and analysis using quantitative and qualitative methods, followed by assimilation of generalisable theories.
Previously he was a Post Doctoral Researcher at  Gram Vaani. He has a PhD from the School of IT at IIT Delhi in the area of Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). He continues to be affiliated with Gram Vaani as a Research Consultant.


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