MediumAI: Associated team between CEDAR and CWI team Human-Centered Data Analytics

The Inria Associated Team MediumAI was accepted! We will start  a 3 year collaboration project (called Inria Associated Team) with the CWI team, Human-Centered Data Analytics:

We will be working together on evaluating types of bias and limitations prevalent in AI-based journalistic tools.

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PhD Defense of Vera Sosnovik

Vera Sosnovik defended her PhD thesis entitled “Detection and analysis of online issue and political ads”.



Mme. Oana Goga-  CNRS

M. Patrick Loiseau – Inria

The thesis committee consists of:


M. Kévin Huguenin – Université de Lausanne

M. Walter Rudametkin …

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BDA 2023: two demonstrations

The (ESWC 2023) demonstrations
“PathWays: entity-focused exploration of heterogeneous data graphs”
by Nelly Barret, Antoine Gauquier, Jean Jia Law, and Ioana Manolescu
“More power to SPARQL: From paths to trees”
by Angelos Anadiotis, Ioana Manolescu and Madhulika Mohanty

will be presented at the BDA conference 2023.

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