
RealFluids solves compressible viscous turbulent flow equations, with real-gas effects and arbitrarily complex equations of state, with the most recent residual distribution schemes. It is currently used for simulating turbines in ORC optimization, and for the immersed boundary simulations for de-anti icing applications. It is being coupled to the Mutation library to be able to perform some CFD simulations of low-altitude re-entry flows.  A new treatment of wall boundaries in the penalized Navier-Stokes model is available and it has also been added to the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian version of second order implicit and explicit Residual Distribution schemes. This formulation has been also used in conjunction with an elliptic mesh movement module to allow time dependent mesh refinement on solid wall boundaries when simulating bodies moving in the flow. The software is used by the members of the team and members from Zurich University.


Numerical results using RealFluids can be found here

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